After the Fire

What becomes of the GOP after “Burn It All Down?”

Dennis Sanders


Burn. It. All Down.

Those four words have been at the center of a debate among Never Trumpers. Should the goal be to just get Trump out of the office or is it to go after Trump and those in Congress who didn’t stand up to him? Is there a line that can’t be crossed or is there no line when it comes to the health of the Republic? NeverTrumper commentators Matt Lewis, David French, and Christian Schneider are all hesitant in rooting for the GOP to lose the Senate because that would put the Democrats in charge of everything in Washington. Peggy Noonan sent the “burn it all down” folk into fits of anger with her recent column that blamed NeverTrumpers for Trump's rise.

The Bulwark’s Charlie Sykes and the Lincoln Project are ready to light the match. I’ve reluctantly agreed with the “burn it all down” folks. While this debate about going after Senators or not leads to an even bigger question. One that has implications not just for the Republican Party, but for the nation as well. Will the GOP rebuild?

We live in an anti-institutional age where people are far more interested in lighting a match than picking up a hammer. President Trump was elected because so many in his base wanted to burn the political system all down. Trump is the perfect Demolition Man, destroying…



Dennis Sanders

Middle-aged Midwesterner. I write about religion, politics and culture. Podcast: newsletter: