Building Interoperable Applications with Chainlink CCIP and Ethereum

Jong Hyuck Won
11 min readDec 12, 2023



Chainlink Community Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) was introduced a year ago at Smart Con. It aims to address the need for interoperability in a multi-chain world. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, it has become crucial to connect various chains and allow them to communicate with each other seamlessly. CCIP enables contracts on different chains to interact with each other, promoting interoperability and expanding the capabilities of blockchain applications.

In today’s blockchain ecosystem, there is a diverse range of chains, including Layer 1s like Avalanche and Ethereum, Layer 2s like Arbitrum and Optimism, EVM chains like Ethereum, and non-EVM chains like Solana. The heterogeneity of these chains necessitates the development of interoperability solutions like CCIP to ensure that they can all work together effectively.

Blockchain interoperability is crucial for several reasons. First, it allows for cross-chain trading, enabling users to seamlessly move liquidity between different chains. This is particularly relevant in the DeFi space, where liquidity is a key factor. Second, interoperability enables collateralization across chains, where users can deposit funds on one chain and borrow against that collateral on another chain. This opens up new possibilities for lending protocols. Third, cross-chain governance becomes possible, where a governance vote can happen on one chain, and the results can be propagated to other chains running the same dApp. This ensures that governance decisions are consistent across multiple chains. Finally, interoperability also paves the way for the development of new types of dApps that can take advantage of the unique features and capabilities offered by different chains. These dApps can seamlessly move between chains to leverage the strengths of each.

The demand for cross-chain functionality is increasing rapidly. Estimates show that over $168 billion worth of funds have been bridged between chains, with $115 billion bridged just in the past 12 months. This demonstrates the growing need for interoperability solutions like CCIP.

CCIP provides a wide range of use cases for cross-chain interoperability. It enables trading, collateralization, cross-chain governance, and the development of new types of dApps. The protocol allows developers to build natively cross-chained applications, making it easier for them to send arbitrary data and value between different contracts running on different chains.

Challenges of Cross-Chain Protocols

While cross-chain protocols like Chainlink Community Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) have the potential to revolutionize blockchain technology, they come with their own set of challenges. These challenges must be addressed to ensure the successful implementation and adoption of cross-chain protocols. Here are some of the key challenges:

Complexity and Composition of Different Systems and Technologies

Building an interoperability solution like CCIP requires integrating various chains, each with its own system, technology, and programming language. This complexity can make the development and implementation process challenging. Developers must have a deep understanding of different systems and technologies and how they interact with each other.

Large Attack Surface and the Need for Robust Security Measures

With cross-chain protocols, the attack surface becomes significantly larger. Any vulnerability in any of the connected chains can potentially be exploited by adversaries. As a result, robust security measures must be in place to protect the integrity and confidentiality of data and assets being transferred between chains. This includes hardening each component, conducting audits, and implementing security best practices.

Rise of Sophisticated State-Level Actors Targeting Cross-Chain Protocols

The rise of sophisticated state-level actors targeting cross-chain protocols is a significant concern. These actors possess advanced capabilities and resources that can pose a serious threat to the security and stability of the protocols. It is essential to implement advanced security measures and continuously monitor and adapt to the evolving threat landscape.

Statistics on Funds Stolen in Cross-Chain Bridge Hacks

Cross-chain bridge hacks have become a prominent issue in the blockchain ecosystem. According to statistics, over $2 billion worth of funds have been stolen in cross-chain bridge hacks to date. This highlights the importance of implementing robust security measures and conducting thorough audits to prevent such incidents.

Importance of Prioritizing End-to-End Security in Architecture Design

End-to-end security should be a top priority when designing cross-chain protocols. This involves hardening each component, conducting comprehensive security testing, and implementing security controls throughout the entire architecture. By prioritizing security, developers can mitigate the risks associated with cross-chain protocols and ensure the safe transfer of data and assets between different chains.

Key Goals of CCIP

The Chainlink Community Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) has several key goals that drive its development and implementation. These goals are essential for enabling seamless communication and interoperability between contracts on different chains, ensuring a smooth user experience, and supporting the transfer of data and value between contracts. Here are the key goals of CCIP:

Enabling Interoperability Between Contracts on Heterogeneous Chains

CCIP aims to connect contracts on various chains, including Layer 1s like Avalanche and Ethereum, Layer 2s like Arbitrum and Optimism, EVM chains like Ethereum, and non-EVM chains like Solana. By providing interoperability between these chains, CCIP allows contracts to interact with each other, expanding the capabilities of blockchain applications.

Being Forward-Looking and Adaptable to the Evolving Ecosystem

CCIP is designed to be flexible and adaptable to the evolving blockchain ecosystem. It aims to integrate with new chains and technologies as they emerge, ensuring that CCIP remains relevant and effective in a rapidly changing environment.

Prioritizing Developer Experience and Ease of Use

Developers are at the heart of CCIP’s design philosophy. The protocol prioritizes developer experience and ease of use by providing an easy-to-use API for sending and receiving messages between contracts on different chains. CCIP aims to abstract away the complexity of securely handling data and value transfer, making it simpler for developers to build natively cross-chained applications.

Supporting Seamless Transfer of Data and Value Between Contracts

A core goal of CCIP is to support the seamless transfer of data and value between contracts on different chains. CCIP enables developers to send arbitrary data and tokens between contracts, making it easier to leverage the unique features and capabilities of different chains while maintaining interoperability.

Offering an Easy-to-Use API for Developers

CCIP provides developers with an easy-to-use API for sending and receiving messages between contracts. The API abstracts away the complexity of the underlying architecture, allowing developers to focus on building their applications without having to worry about the intricacies of cross-chain communication.

Architecture Overview

The Chainlink Community Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) offers a high-level architecture stack that enables seamless communication and interoperability between contracts on different chains. Let’s take a closer look at the different components and their functions:

Programmable Bridge and Secure Transport Layer

The programmable bridge sits on top of the secure transport layer, allowing applications to directly interact with CCIP. This bridge enables contracts on one chain to send messages to contracts on another chain, promoting interoperability between chains.

Decentralized Oracle Networks

CCIP is built on decentralized Oracle networks powered by OCR2. These networks provide secure and reliable data feeds to support cross-chain communication and data transfer. The oracles in the networks ensure the integrity and accuracy of the data being transferred between chains.

Anti-Fraud Network

CCIP incorporates an anti-fraud network (AFN) for monitoring and security. The AFN continuously monitors the primary system, checking for anomalies and potential security breaches. It independently verifies the validity of commitments stored in the commit store and prevents the execution of any malicious or fraudulent messages.

Separation of Execution and Committing Processes

CCIP separates the execution and committing processes to enhance security and efficiency. The committing process involves storing cryptographic commitments in the commit store, while the execution process executes the messages on the destination chain. This separation improves security by minimizing the risk of unauthorized execution and allows for more efficient batching of messages.

CCIP’s architecture provides a solid foundation for secure and interoperable cross-chain communication. By incorporating programmable bridges, secure transport layers, decentralized Oracle networks, and an anti-fraud network, CCIP ensures the integrity and security of messages transferred between chains.

CCIP API and Message Flow

The Chainlink Community Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) provides a powerful API for sending and receiving messages between contracts on different chains. This API allows developers to build natively cross-chained applications, making it easier to send arbitrary data and value between different contracts running on different chains.

Overview of the API for sending and receiving messages

The CCIP API consists of two main functions: ccip.send and ccip.receive. The ccip.send function is used to send a message from a contract on one chain to a contract on another chain. The developer specifies the destination chain, the receiver contract address, the data to be sent, and any tokens and their amounts to be transferred. The ccip.receive function is implemented by the receiver contract and is called by CCIP to deliver the message. The receiver contract can then process the message and take appropriate actions.

Explanation of the router contract and its role as the entry/exit point

The router contract acts as the entry point for messages sent from contracts on one chain and the exit point for messages received by contracts on another chain. It serves as a centralized hub that routes messages to the appropriate destination chains based on the specified destination chain ID. The router abstracts away the complexity of securely handling cross-chain communication, allowing developers to focus on building their applications.

Demonstration of message sequence and delivery order

CCIP ensures that messages are delivered in the correct sequence and order. When a message is sent from a contract on the source chain, it is routed through the router contract, which ensures that the message is successfully transported to the destination chain. On the destination chain, the receiver contract receives the message and processes it. Messages are sequenced per receiver, meaning that messages sent from the same sender to the same receiver will be delivered in the order they were sent.

Importance of security checks and access control in message handling

CCIP prioritizes security in message handling. The router contract enforces access control checks to ensure that only authorized contracts can send and receive messages. Messages are validated to ensure they come from the correct source chain and are sent to the correct receiver contract. The committing and executing processes in CCIP are separated to enhance security and minimize the risk of unauthorized execution. The Anti-Fraud Network (AFN) continuously monitors the system for anomalies and potential security breaches to prevent malicious messages from being executed.

Handling errors and recovering from failures in message execution

CCIP provides robust error handling and recovery mechanisms in message execution. If a subscription is underfunded, the message execution may fail. However, once enough funds are made available, CCIP automatically retries the execution. If a message reverts due to an issue with the receiver contract, developers have the flexibility to handle the reverted message based on their desired semantics. CCIP ensures that messages are processed reliably and that any failures in execution are gracefully recovered.

Demo of Ping Pong Contract

In order to showcase the capabilities of Chainlink CCIP, a live demo of a ping pong contract was conducted. This demo demonstrated how messages can be sent and received between two chains using the CCIP protocol. The ping pong contract consisted of two contracts, one on the source chain and one on the destination chain, which played a game of ping pong by passing messages back and forth.

Overview of the ping pong contract code

The ping pong contract code was relatively short and straightforward. It included the necessary interfaces for the CCIP router and receiver contracts. The contract had events for ping and pong, and it had functions to start the ping pong game and respond to messages received. The logic of the contract involved incrementing a count each time a message was received and responding with a ping or pong event depending on the count.

Explanation of the start and respond functions

The start function in the ping pong contract was used to initiate the game. It set an initial count and called the internal respond function. The respond function incremented the count and emitted a ping or pong event based on the count. This function also sent a message back to the source chain to continue the game.

Sending and receiving messages between two chains

The CCIP router was responsible for sending messages from the source chain to the destination chain. The router interface was implemented by the ping pong contract on the source chain. When the start function was called, it invoked the CCIP send function on the router to send a message to the destination chain. The CCIP receiver interface was implemented by the ping pong contract on the destination chain, allowing it to receive messages sent by the source chain.

Demonstration of the live demo with ping and pong events

The live demo showcased the ping pong contract in action. The ping events were emitted on the source chain, and the pong events were emitted on the destination chain. Each ping event had a corresponding pong event, and the count incremented with each round of the game. The demo demonstrated how messages were successfully sent and received between the two chains using the CCIP protocol.

Highlighting the simplicity and efficiency of the CCIP implementation

The ping pong contract demo highlighted the simplicity and efficiency of the CCIP implementation. With just a few lines of code, developers were able to leverage the CCIP protocol to send and receive messages between chains. The abstraction provided by CCIP allowed developers to focus on the logic of their contracts without having to worry about the intricacies of cross-chain communication. The live demo also showcased the seamless transfer of messages between chains, highlighting the efficiency of the CCIP protocol.

Conclusion and Future Developments

In conclusion, Chainlink Community Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) offers a powerful solution for building interoperable applications in a multi-chain world. By enabling contracts on different chains to interact with each other, CCIP promotes cross-chain communication and expands the capabilities of blockchain applications. With the increasing demand for cross-chain functionality and the growing need for interoperability solutions, CCIP is at the forefront of addressing these challenges and providing developers with the tools they need to build cross-chained apps.

CCIP offers a wide range of benefits and capabilities. It enables cross-chain trading, collateralization, and governance, opening up new possibilities for decentralized finance (DeFi) applications. It also allows developers to build natively cross-chained applications, simplifying the process of sending arbitrary data and value between different contracts running on different chains. With CCIP, developers can leverage the unique features and capabilities of different chains while maintaining interoperability.

Moving forward, CCIP is entering alpha testing and has already formed partnerships with projects like Synthetix and Swift. These partnerships demonstrate the potential and value of CCIP in the blockchain ecosystem. If you are a developer interested in building cross-chained apps, now is the perfect time to get involved. CCIP offers an easy-to-use API for sending and receiving messages between contracts, abstracting away the complexity of cross-chain communication.

To learn more about CCIP and get involved, you can visit the CCIP website and reach out to the team. Whether you are interested in alpha testing, partnership opportunities, or simply want to learn more, the CCIP team is available to assist you. Join the community of developers building the future of cross-chained applications with CCIP.



Jong Hyuck Won

Building web3 #AA @alchemyplatform, investing and writing @l2iterative, ex protocol builder @harmonyprotocol @klaytn_official, ex @meta, cs @stanford