Optimizing Data Availability and Trust with EigenLayer: A Universal Marketplace for Ethereum Blockchain

Jong Hyuck Won
12 min readDec 20, 2023


Table of Contents


Welcome to the blog post on EigenLayer, a universal marketplace for Ethereum blockchain. In this section, we will provide an overview of EigenLayer technology and discuss the importance of decentralized trust in blockchain solutions.

Welcome and Introductions

Hello and welcome to the Ethereum Engineering Group Meetup. In this blog post, we will be discussing EigenLayer, a groundbreaking technology developed by Sriram Cannon. Sriram will be introducing himself and providing a brief overview of EigenLayer.

Overview of EigenLayer Technology

EigenLayer is a project that Sriram has been working on for the past two years. It focuses on consensus protocols and scalability in the blockchain space. Sriram’s interest in peer-to-peer systems dates back to his master’s and PhD studies in peer-to-peer wireless systems, starting in 2006.

Importance of Decentralized Trust in Blockchain Solutions

Decentralized trust is the core primitive in blockchain solutions. It is what differentiates a blockchain solution from other types of decentralized systems. Ethereum, the first marketplace for decentralized trust, introduced the concept of a common framework and programming language for building applications on top of a blockchain platform.

EigenLayer builds upon this concept by providing a trust marketplace where stakeholders can sell their trust and application developers can buy it. This architecture allows for decentralized trust to be separated from innovation, enabling more people to come up with innovative blockchain solutions.

In the blockchain ecosystem, decentralized trust is refined and distributed through consensus protocols, virtual machines, and blockchains. EigenLayer aims to create a universal marketplace for decentralized trust, where stakeholders can opt into different services and make credible commitments based on their roles and responsibilities.

The Concept of EigenLayer

EigenLayer is a universal marketplace for decentralized trust in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. It serves as a platform where stakeholders can sell their trust and application developers can buy it. This concept builds upon the idea of Ethereum as the first marketplace for decentralized trust, which introduced a common framework and programming language for building applications on a blockchain platform.

Unlike Ethereum, EigenLayer focuses specifically on data availability and trust in the blockchain. It addresses the limitations of Ethereum’s data bandwidth by providing a higher throughput for data storage and retrieval. With EigenLayer, developers can access a data availability layer that allows for faster and more efficient data transfer.

One of the key features of EigenLayer is its separation of trust and innovation in blockchain applications. By providing a marketplace for decentralized trust, EigenLayer enables more people to come up with innovative blockchain solutions without having to establish their own trust network. Developers can focus on building their applications while leveraging the trust provided by EigenLayer.

Comparison to Ethereum

Ethereum served as the pioneer in creating a marketplace for decentralized trust. It introduced the concept of a common framework and programming language for building applications on a blockchain platform. However, Ethereum’s limitations in data bandwidth and finality time have led to the need for additional solutions like EigenLayer.

EigenLayer complements Ethereum by providing a higher data bandwidth and faster finality time. It allows for greater scalability and efficiency in data transfer, making it an ideal platform for applications that require large amounts of data storage and retrieval.

The Layers of the Blockchain Stack

The blockchain stack consists of different layers that work together to enable decentralized applications. At the base layer is the trust network, which can be the Ethereum network. On top of the trust network, consensus protocols ensure the agreement of transactions and actions across participants. The next layer is the data availability layer, which provides efficient storage and retrieval of data. EigenLayer serves as a data availability layer, offering a marketplace for decentralized trust.

Separation of Trust and Innovation

EigenLayer’s marketplace for decentralized trust enables the separation of trust and innovation in blockchain applications. Stakeholders can sell their trust to application developers, allowing developers to focus on building innovative solutions without the burden of establishing their own trust network. This separation encourages more people to participate in the blockchain ecosystem and contribute to the development of new and groundbreaking blockchain applications.

Restaking and Programmable Staking

Restaking is a crucial concept in EigenLayer that is deeply connected to decentralized trust in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. It provides a way for stakeholders to sell their trust and for application developers to buy it. By restaking, stakeholders can make credible commitments based on their roles and responsibilities.

Native Restaking and Liquid Restaking Options

In EigenLayer, there are two options for restaking: native restaking and liquid restaking. Native restaking involves staking directly in Ethereum and opting into different services provided by EigenLayer. Liquid restaking, on the other hand, allows stakeholders to stake liquid tokens from any liquid staking protocol and deposit them into EigenLayer to participate in various services.

The Mechanics of Restaking in Ethereum and EigenLayer

In Ethereum, restaking involves locking up a certain amount of ETH in a contract and making a covenant to abide by the protocol’s rules. This provides decentralized trust for the Ethereum network. In EigenLayer, restaking goes a step further by allowing stakeholders to make additional covenants to participate in various services on top of Ethereum. These covenants can include running nodes for data availability, sequencing transactions, or providing Mev management.

Introduction to Services and the Two-Sided Marketplace of EigenLayer

EigenLayer operates as a two-sided marketplace, with stakeholders acting as trust sellers and application developers acting as trust buyers. Stakeholders can offer their trust by staking their tokens and participating in various services. Application developers can buy this trust from the marketplace to enhance their blockchain solutions. This marketplace creates a vibrant ecosystem where trust is separated from innovation, allowing for more people to contribute and build innovative blockchain applications.

Building on EigenLayer: Data Availability

Ethereum, as the first marketplace for decentralized trust, brought about a common framework and programming language for building applications on a blockchain platform. However, Ethereum has its limitations when it comes to data availability. With only 83 kilobytes per second of data bandwidth and a finality time of 12 minutes, there is a need for additional solutions to improve data availability on the Ethereum blockchain.

Enter EigenDA (Eigen Data Availability), a data availability layer built on top of Ethereum. EigenDA addresses the limitations of Ethereum’s data bandwidth by providing a higher throughput for data storage and retrieval. With EigenDA, developers can access a data availability layer that allows for faster and more efficient data transfer.

Explanation of Data Availability Limitations in Ethereum

Ethereum’s data availability is limited by its data bandwidth and finality time. With only 83 kilobytes per second of data bandwidth, Ethereum struggles to handle large amounts of data storage and retrieval. Additionally, Ethereum’s finality time of 12 minutes means that it takes a significant amount of time for transactions to be confirmed and finalized.

Introduction to EigenDA and Its Role in Increasing Data Bandwidth

EigenDA serves as a data availability layer on top of Ethereum, specifically designed to address the limitations of data availability. By providing a higher throughput for data storage and retrieval, EigenDA significantly increases Ethereum’s data bandwidth. This allows for faster and more efficient transfer of data within the blockchain ecosystem.

Comparison of EigenDA Requirements to Ethereum Node Requirements

One advantage of EigenDA is that it requires significantly less resources compared to Ethereum nodes. While Ethereum nodes require approximately 2 megabytes per second of data bandwidth, EigenDA only requires 0.2 megabytes per second. This lower requirement makes it more accessible for developers to participate in the EigenDA network.

Potential Applications and Benefits of Increased Data Availability

The increased data availability provided by EigenDA opens up a wide range of potential applications and benefits. Some potential applications include:

  • Decentralized sequencing: EigenDA can be used to order transactions across multiple roll-up chains, improving the efficiency and scalability of the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Fast finality: EigenDA can enable faster finality times for roll-up chains, reducing the time it takes for transactions to be confirmed and providing a better user experience.
  • Bridging to other chains: EigenDA can facilitate the seamless transfer of data between Ethereum and other blockchain networks, enabling interoperability and expanding the possibilities for cross-chain applications.
  • Mev management: EigenDA can help manage and mitigate the risks associated with maximum extractable value (Mev) on Ethereum, providing a more fair and transparent transaction ordering process.

By addressing the limitations of data availability in Ethereum, EigenDA paves the way for improved scalability, efficiency, and innovation within the blockchain ecosystem.

Sequencing and Ordering Transactions

In EigenLayer, sequencing and ordering transactions plays a crucial role in optimizing the data availability and trust in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. This section will provide an overview of decentralized sequencing in EigenLayer, compare the process of ordering transactions and executing transactions, discuss the advantages of offloading ordering to a decentralized network, and explore examples of sequencing services and potential use cases.

Overview of Decentralized Sequencing in EigenLayer

Decentralized sequencing in EigenLayer refers to the process of ordering transactions across multiple roll-up chains within the Ethereum ecosystem. It involves a group of EigenLayer nodes that are opted into various services and work together to determine the order of transactions.

By leveraging the computational power and consensus protocols of the EigenLayer network, decentralized sequencing ensures that transactions are ordered accurately and efficiently, leading to improved scalability and performance of the blockchain ecosystem.

Comparison of Ordering Transactions and Executing Transactions

Ordering transactions and executing transactions are two distinct processes in the blockchain ecosystem. While executing transactions involves the actual processing and validation of transactions, ordering transactions refers to determining the sequence in which transactions are included in the blockchain.

Ordering transactions is important for optimizing the efficiency and consistency of blockchain operations. It ensures that transactions are processed in a specific order, which is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the blockchain and preventing issues like double-spending.

Advantages of Offloading Ordering to a Decentralized Network

Offloading the process of ordering transactions to a decentralized network, such as EigenLayer, offers several advantages:

  • Improved scalability: Decentralized sequencing allows for faster and more efficient processing of transactions, leading to increased scalability of the blockchain ecosystem.
  • Increased trust and security: By relying on a decentralized network for ordering transactions, the trust and security of the blockchain ecosystem are enhanced, as the sequencing process is distributed and consensus-based.
  • Reduced resource requirements: Offloading ordering to a decentralized network reduces the resource requirements for individual blockchain participants, allowing for greater accessibility and participation in the network.

Examples of Sequencing Services and Potential Use Cases

Sequencing services built on EigenLayer can be utilized in various use cases within the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. Some examples include:

  • Decentralized exchanges: Sequencing services can be used to order transactions on decentralized exchanges, ensuring that buy and sell orders are executed in the correct order.
  • Blockchain gaming: In blockchain gaming, sequencing services can determine the order of in-game transactions, ensuring fair gameplay and preventing fraudulent activities.
  • Supply chain management: Sequencing services can help order transactions related to supply chain management, ensuring transparency and traceability of goods and services.

These are just a few examples of the potential applications of sequencing services within the EigenLayer network.

Fast Finality and Confirmation

Ethereum has certain limitations when it comes to finality time and data availability. With a data bandwidth of only 83 kilobytes per second and a finality time of 12 minutes, there is a need for faster and more efficient solutions. EigenLayer proposes a common layer for fast finality and confirmation to address these limitations.

Explanation of Finality Time Limitations in Ethereum

Finality time refers to the time it takes for a transaction to be confirmed and finalized on the blockchain. In Ethereum, the finality time is currently 12 minutes, which can be quite slow for applications that require real-time transaction confirmations.

Proposal of a Common Layer for Fast Finality in EigenLayer

EigenLayer aims to provide a solution to the slow finality time in Ethereum by introducing a common layer for fast finality. This layer will allow for faster confirmation and settlement of transactions, improving the overall user experience and enabling real-time applications.

Benefits of Faster Finality for Rollups and Other Applications

Faster finality has significant benefits for various applications, especially rollups and other Layer 2 solutions. With faster confirmation times, rollups can provide near-instant transaction finality, making them more efficient and scalable. This allows for a higher throughput of transactions and a better user experience.

Integration of Economic Stake and Slashing Conditions in Finality

In order to ensure the security and integrity of the fast finality layer, EigenLayer integrates economic stake and slashing conditions. Economic stake refers to the stake that participants have in the network, which incentivizes them to behave honestly and follow the protocol rules. Slashing conditions are predefined rules that, when violated, result in a portion of the stake being slashed.

Bridging and Interoperability

The concept of bridging and interoperability plays a crucial role in the EigenLayer ecosystem, enabling seamless integration of different chains and tokens. Let’s explore the importance of high-quality bridges between Ethereum and other chains, the use of light clients and off-chain verification for bridging, and the benefits and potential applications of bridging in EigenLayer.

Importance of High-Quality Bridges

High-quality bridges between Ethereum and other chains are essential for the smooth transfer of assets and data across different blockchain networks. These bridges ensure interoperability, allowing users to seamlessly move tokens and execute transactions between different chains. This interoperability opens up a world of possibilities for developers and users, enabling them to leverage the unique features and capabilities of different chains.

Use of Light Clients and Off-Chain Verification

In bridging, the use of light clients and off-chain verification methods can greatly enhance efficiency and scalability. Light clients enable users to interact with different chains without having to download and sync the entire blockchain. Instead, they can rely on trusted third-party nodes to validate transactions and provide relevant data. Off-chain verification further reduces the load on the blockchain by verifying and validating transactions outside of the main chain, improving overall performance and speed.

Benefits and Potential Applications of Bridging in EigenLayer

In EigenLayer, bridging offers numerous benefits and potential applications. By integrating different chains and tokens through bridging, EigenLayer creates a universal marketplace for decentralized trust, allowing stakeholders to opt into different services and make credible commitments based on their roles and responsibilities. This integration enables a vibrant ecosystem of trust sellers and trust buyers, fostering innovation and collaboration among different participants.

Additionally, bridging opens up opportunities for cross-chain applications, where data and assets can seamlessly flow between Ethereum and other blockchain networks. This facilitates interoperability and expands the possibilities for developers to build innovative solutions that leverage the strengths of multiple chains. Furthermore, bridging can enable efficient data transfer, fast finality, decentralized sequencing, and Mev management, enhancing the scalability, security, and user experience of blockchain applications.

MEV Management

MEV, or Maximum Extractable Value, is a concept that arises from the decentralized trust system in Ethereum. It refers to the ability of stakeholders to manipulate transaction ordering and extract additional value from the network. MEV can have a significant impact on the fairness and efficiency of transaction processing in blockchain systems.

Explanation of MEV and its Impact on Transaction Ordering

MEV occurs when stakeholders, such as validators or miners, have the power to influence the order in which transactions are included in a block. This can enable them to prioritize certain transactions or manipulate the order to their advantage, potentially resulting in higher profits. MEV can lead to unfair transaction processing and create a competitive environment among stakeholders.

Introduction to MEV Management in EigenLayer

EigenLayer recognizes the importance of managing MEV to ensure fairness and efficiency in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. As a universal marketplace for decentralized trust, EigenLayer aims to provide solutions for MEV management and credible commitments for block proposers.

Credible Commitments and Ordering Rules for Block Proposers

In EigenLayer, block proposers are required to make credible commitments regarding their transaction ordering rules. This means that they must adhere to certain guidelines and principles that promote fairness and transparency in transaction processing. By establishing clear ordering rules, EigenLayer helps mitigate the risks associated with MEV and ensures a more equitable environment for all participants.

Benefits of MEV Management for Fairness and Efficiency

MEV management in EigenLayer provides several benefits for the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. First, it promotes fairness by preventing stakeholders from manipulating transaction ordering for personal gain. This helps create a level playing field for all participants. Second, MEV management enhances efficiency by optimizing the transaction processing workflow and reducing the impact of MEV-related delays. This leads to faster and more reliable transaction confirmations.


In conclusion, EigenLayer presents a vision for a universal marketplace for decentralized trust in the Ethereum blockchain ecosystem. By providing a platform where stakeholders can sell their trust and application developers can buy it, EigenLayer aims to revolutionize the blockchain space. This marketplace not only separates trust from innovation, but also enables more people to participate in the blockchain ecosystem and contribute to the development of new and groundbreaking blockchain solutions.

The potential impact of EigenLayer is significant. By addressing the limitations of data availability in Ethereum, EigenLayer allows for faster and more efficient data transfer, opening up possibilities for decentralized sequencing, fast finality, bridging to other chains, and Mev management. These improvements enhance the scalability, efficiency, and security of blockchain applications, creating a more seamless and user-friendly experience.

Permissionless innovation and competition are encouraged within the EigenLayer ecosystem. The marketplace allows for the exploration and development of various consensus protocols, virtual machines, data availability solutions, and other innovative blockchain technologies. This fosters a vibrant ecosystem of trust sellers and trust buyers, driving continuous research and development in the blockchain space.

It is important to note that EigenLayer is an ongoing research and development project. As the technology evolves, successful solutions discovered within EigenLayer can be internalized back into the Ethereum protocol, further enhancing the overall Ethereum blockchain ecosystem.

In summary, EigenLayer offers a unique and promising approach to optimizing data availability and trust in the Ethereum blockchain. With its vision for a universal marketplace for decentralized trust, EigenLayer aims to revolutionize the blockchain space, encourage permissionless innovation, and propel the development of groundbreaking blockchain applications.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RG7A0flGJNM Sreeram Kannan, founder of EigenLayer, provided a detailed explanation of EigenLayer: https://www.eigenlayer.xyz/



Jong Hyuck Won

Building web3 #AA @alchemyplatform, investing and writing @l2iterative, ex protocol builder @harmonyprotocol @klaytn_official, ex @meta, cs @stanford