Smart Contract Security: Best Practices and Considerations

Jong Hyuck Won
9 min readDec 8, 2023



The Ethereum Engineering Group is a community dedicated to exploring and advancing the development of Ethereum and its related technologies. In this blog, we will be focusing on the importance of smart contract security and solidity security. Smart contract security refers to the measures taken to ensure the integrity and safety of smart contracts, while solidity security pertains specifically to the security of contracts written in the Solidity programming language.

The speaker leading this discussion is Peter Robinson, a seasoned professional with over 30 years of experience in product development, including 13 years at RSA working on cryptography and 5 years at ConsenSys working on blockchain projects. Peter’s extensive background and expertise make him a valuable resource for understanding smart contract security and solidity security.

In this blog, we will cover a range of topics, including an overview of smart contract security and solidity security, the importance of upgradeability and access control, the risks of reentrancy and timestamp manipulation, and the potential issues with storage collisions. By the end of this blog, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the key considerations and best practices for ensuring the security of your smart contracts.

Context of Smart Contract Security

Smart contract security and solidity security are crucial considerations when it comes to developing secure and reliable decentralized applications. Understanding the context of smart contract security is essential in order to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure the overall security of the application ecosystem.

Overview of smart contract security and solidity security

Smart contract security refers to the measures taken to ensure the integrity and safety of smart contracts, while solidity security pertains specifically to the security of contracts written in the Solidity programming language. It involves implementing best practices and following industry standards to protect smart contracts from potential attacks or vulnerabilities.

Difference between smart contract security and solidity security

While smart contract security focuses on the overall security of the contract, solidity security specifically targets the security aspects of contracts written in Solidity. Solidity is the most commonly used programming language for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

Key properties of a contract and potential vulnerabilities

A contract has several key properties, including code, storage, balance, and nonce. Each of these properties can potentially introduce vulnerabilities if not properly secured. For example, a vulnerability in the contract’s code can lead to malicious actors exploiting it to gain unauthorized access or manipulate the contract’s functionality. Similarly, vulnerabilities in storage, balance, or nonce can result in unexpected changes and compromise the security of the contract.

Importance of considering the whole application ecosystem

When addressing smart contract security, it is crucial to consider the entire application ecosystem. Smart contracts are rarely standalone entities but are often part of a larger set of contracts that interact with each other. Additionally, the application ecosystem may involve off-chain nodes, gateways, wallets, and user interfaces. Attackers often target vulnerabilities in other components of the ecosystem, rather than directly targeting the smart contracts themselves. Therefore, it is important to assess the security of the entire ecosystem to ensure comprehensive protection.

Ethereum Client, EVM, ABI, and Solidity

In order to understand smart contract security and solidity security, it is important to explore the Ethereum client software and its capabilities. The Ethereum client software is responsible for running the Ethereum node and executing smart contracts. It provides different methods for interacting with smart contracts, such as eth_call and eth_sendTransaction.

One of the key components of the Ethereum client is the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). The EVM is a runtime environment that executes smart contracts on the Ethereum network. It is responsible for processing and executing the bytecode of smart contracts. The EVM ensures that the execution of smart contracts is secure and deterministic.

The Application Binary Interface (ABI) is essential for contract communication. It defines the way in which contracts interact with each other. The ABI specifies the function signatures and data structures that are used for encoding and decoding contract messages. It ensures that contracts can communicate effectively and securely.

Solidity is the most commonly used programming language for developing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a statically typed language that compiles down to EVM bytecode. Solidity provides various features and constructs that make it easier to write secure and efficient smart contracts.

When it comes to security features, both the EVM and Solidity offer their own set of protections. The EVM enforces security measures such as gas limits and opcode restrictions to prevent potential attacks. Solidity, on the other hand, provides features like modifiers and error handling mechanisms to enhance contract security.

In conclusion, understanding the Ethereum client software, EVM, ABI, and Solidity is crucial for effective smart contract development. These components play a vital role in contract execution, communication, and security. By leveraging the capabilities of these technologies, developers can build secure and reliable smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

High-Level Considerations for Smart Contract Security

Smart contract security is of utmost importance when it comes to developing secure and reliable decentralized applications. There are several high-level considerations that developers should keep in mind to ensure the integrity and safety of their smart contracts.

Importance of Upgradeability and Considerations for Implementing Upgrades

Upgrading smart contracts is a common practice to fix bugs, add new features, or improve existing functionality. However, it is crucial to implement upgrades carefully to avoid introducing vulnerabilities or compromising the security of the contract. Developers should consider the following when implementing upgrades:

  • Ensure that the upgrade process is controlled by a secure and trusted group of individuals or a multi-signature mechanism.
  • Implement proper security procedures and access controls to prevent unauthorized upgrades.
  • Thoroughly test the upgraded contract to identify and mitigate any potential security risks.

Exploration of Pausing, Freezing, and Banning Functionalities for Contract Control

Pausing, freezing, and banning functionalities can provide additional control over a smart contract and help prevent unauthorized activities or malicious behavior. Developers should consider implementing these functionalities to enhance contract security:

  • Pausing: Implement a pause functionality that can temporarily halt contract execution in case of emergencies or suspicious activities.
  • Freezing: Consider implementing a freezing functionality that allows you to restrict certain actions, such as withdrawals or transfers, while still allowing other contract functionalities to remain active.
  • Banning: Provide the ability to ban specific addresses or entities from interacting with the contract, preventing potential malicious activities.

Understanding Front-Running Attacks and Mitigation Techniques

Front-running attacks occur when malicious actors exploit the time delay between the submission and confirmation of transactions to manipulate contract functionality or gain unauthorized access. To mitigate front-running attacks, developers can:

  • Implement commit-reveal schemes to prevent attackers from predicting transaction outcomes before they are executed.
  • Utilize batch auctions, where multiple transactions are processed simultaneously, eliminating the advantage of being the first to execute a transaction.

Introduction to Batch Auctions as a Solution to Front-Running

Batch auctions are an effective solution to mitigate front-running attacks. By processing multiple transactions simultaneously, batch auctions remove the time advantage attackers gain by being the first to execute a transaction. Implementing batch auctions can ensure a fair and secure transaction process for all participants.

Importance of Checking Deployed Configurations and Secure Access Controls

Checking the deployed configurations of a smart contract is essential to identify any vulnerabilities or misconfigurations that can compromise security. Developers should:

  • Review and verify all contract configurations, including access controls, permissions, and contract parameters.
  • Implement secure access controls to restrict interactions with the contract to authorized parties only.
  • Regularly monitor and audit the contract to ensure configurations remain secure and up-to-date.

By considering these high-level aspects of smart contract security, developers can enhance the integrity and safety of their contracts.

Common Security Issues in Solidity

When developing smart contracts in Solidity, it is crucial to be aware of common security issues to ensure the integrity and safety of your contracts. Here are some best practices and considerations to keep in mind:

Best practices for using the latest version of Solidity compiler

Using the latest version of the Solidity compiler is essential for taking advantage of bug fixes and security enhancements. Regularly check the release notes and update your compiler to ensure you are using the most up-to-date and secure version. Consider using the pragma directive to specify the compiler version you want to use or specify a range of compatible versions to allow for bug fixes and enhancements.

Importance of function visibility and access control

Function visibility and access control play a crucial role in ensuring the security of your contracts. Use the appropriate visibility modifiers, such as public, external, internal, and private, to control who can access and call specific functions. Implement access control mechanisms, such as require statements, to restrict access to sensitive functions or data to authorized parties only.

Understand reentrancy vulnerabilities and ways to prevent them

Reentrancy vulnerabilities occur when a contract’s code allows an external contract to call back into it before the first call has completed. This can result in unexpected behavior and potential security risks. To prevent reentrancy attacks, follow best practices such as the “check-effects-interactions” pattern, which involves performing all state updates before making any external calls. Consider using a reentrancy guard modifier to prevent multiple recursive calls within the same contract.

Considerations for value transfer and handling of ether

When transferring ether in your contracts, be mindful of potential vulnerabilities. Use transfer or send functions with caution, as they have limited gas and may fail in certain circumstances. Consider using the call function, which provides more control over gas limits and error handling. Implement proper input validation and error handling when handling ether to prevent potential vulnerabilities.

Handling of integer arithmetic and avoiding underflow/overflow

Integer arithmetic in Solidity can be prone to underflow and overflow vulnerabilities, which can lead to unexpected results or security issues. Implement proper range checks and input validation to prevent these vulnerabilities. Consider using SafeMath library functions to perform arithmetic operations safely and prevent underflow or overflow issues.

Understanding error handling and propagation in Solidity

Error handling is crucial for robust and secure smart contract development. Implement proper error handling mechanisms, such as revert statements, require statements, or custom error codes, to handle exceptional conditions and prevent unexpected behavior. Consider propagating errors up the call stack to ensure proper handling and prevent vulnerabilities.

Avoiding timestamp manipulation vulnerabilities

Smart contracts that rely on timestamps for critical operations can be vulnerable to manipulation. It is important to avoid using timestamps for security-critical actions or financial operations. Consider using block numbers or other secure sources of time information to prevent timestamp manipulation vulnerabilities.

Storage collisions and strategies for avoiding clashes

Storage collisions can occur when multiple variables or data structures share the same storage slot, leading to unexpected behavior or data corruption. To avoid storage collisions, carefully design your contract’s data structures and allocate storage slots properly. Use different storage slots for different variables or ensure proper separation of data to prevent clashes.

By following these best practices and considering the potential security issues in Solidity, you can enhance the security of your smart contracts and protect your applications from potential vulnerabilities and attacks.


In conclusion, smart contract security is of utmost importance in ensuring the integrity and safety of decentralized applications. By following best practices and considering key aspects of smart contract security, developers can minimize the risks of vulnerabilities and attacks. Here’s a recap of the key points discussed in this blog:

  • Smart contract security refers to the measures taken to ensure the integrity and safety of smart contracts, while solidity security pertains specifically to the security of contracts written in the Solidity programming language.
  • Understanding the Ethereum client software, EVM, ABI, and Solidity is crucial for effective smart contract development and security.
  • High-level considerations for smart contract security include upgradeability, access control, and the prevention of front-running attacks.
  • Common security issues in Solidity include reentrancy vulnerabilities, value transfer handling, and error handling.
  • Best practices for smart contract security include using the latest version of the Solidity compiler, implementing proper function visibility and access control, and conducting thorough testing and audits.

It is important to follow these best practices for smart contract security to mitigate the risks of vulnerabilities and attacks. Conducting thorough testing and audits, using secure coding practices, and staying up-to-date with the latest security measures are key to ensuring the integrity and safety of smart contracts.

As the field of smart contract security continues to evolve, it is important for developers to stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. By prioritizing smart contract security and investing in comprehensive testing and audits, developers can build secure and reliable applications on the Ethereum blockchain and contribute to the growth and adoption of decentralized technologies.



Jong Hyuck Won

Founder & General Partner at Iterative Venture. Ex-core protocol engineer at Harmony Protocol. Founding team.