Upload multiple images to Pinterest at once

4 min readNov 30, 2017


I would like to share a great app that I’ve created that allows you to upload multiple images to your Pinterest board/s, all at once!

It’s called Bulk Pinner (https://bulkpinner.app). It’s open source (https://github.com/bulkpinner/bulkpinner), hosted on GitHub pages, and is very fast!

The great thing about my app is that you don’t have to create an account to be able to use it, you just need to connect your Pinterest account, grant the required permission (so the app can read the boards you have and create pins for you), and you can then start selecting your images and uploading! It’s really very simple.

Here is a short video showing the amount of time you could save uploading just 10 local images to Pinterest using Bulk Pinner:


To get started, you’ll need to head over to the app, linked here again for convenience, https://bulkpinner.app

Once there, you’ll see the following screen

Application authorization

You just need to click the Authorize button, and select your Pinterest account that you wish to use. The two permissions that I’ve requested are simply the read_public and write_public permissions, which basically allow me to get a list of your Pinterest boards (that you will choose to add pins to), and to save pins to those boards.

Once the app is authorized, you will be able to start selecting your images

Application authorized

Clicking on the Choose Images button will pop up a file dialog, allowing you to select multiple images from your hard drive. Once you’ve selected the images you want, the bottom section of the app will expand and display previews of those selected images. This is where you can enter the information about your pins

Previews of images to be pinned

As you can see in the image above, I have entered a note for each of the pins, this is required. I have also selected to send these images to my “Geek” board. I will give more of a breakdown of the interface below.

For now, that’s it! I can click on the Pin button in the top right corner of the page, and these images will be sent to Pinterest! The app will show a loading graphic over each image as it’s being uploaded, and display a clear confirmation icon for each image that is successfully pinned.

These completed images can then be cleared and new pins can be created with new images!

Detailed breakdown of interface

Lets have another look at that interface with pin previews

  1. Refresh Boards will send a request to Pinterest to load a list of your boards. This is required because the application will cache the list of boards the first time it is automatically read, to save on API requests and make the app load quicker.
  2. Clear Completed will remove all of the images from the preview area that have already been created as a pin, in this current session.
    N.B. The app does not keep track of images that you have pinned already, so if you refresh the page and add an image that you have already pinned, the application won’t stop you from sending that to Pinterest again.
  3. Clear All will remove all image previews, pinned or not
  4. Send all images to board allows you to select a board that you want to send all of the current previews to. So in the example image that is shown here, instead of selecting the Geek board on each of the 4 pin previews, I could have just selected the Geek board from the “Send all images to board” selector, and the select menus on each of the previews would automatically update
  5. In case you forgot to select an image/s
  6. The Pin button. This will initiate the requests to send each image in the preview section to the corresponding boards on Pinterest
  7. Preview of the image that will be pinned
  8. Pinterest board selector for the current preview only
  9. Note field. This is required.
  10. Link field. This is optional

The links at the bottom of the page are to the changelog, to send me an email or to create a GitHub issue. Feel free to use the latter two links to contact me with improvement suggestions, but especially if you find a bug or something not quite working right.

Please give the application a try, if you’re a heavy Pinterest user like I am, then I have no doubt that you will find it very helpful.

If you do like the application, please hit the clap button on the article and head on over to GitHub and give the project a star! It may not seem like much, but it really helps to get the application noticed :).

