How to write a Product Vision

Denny Klisch
4 min readJul 27, 2023

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Apples product vision is fantastic and absolutely spot on! It is bold and inspiring at the same time. To write one is not easy, this article shall help you. What you can expect:

  1. Why you need a vision in the first place
  2. Introduction into useful frameworks
  3. Practical examples

Lets start with the first one:

  1. Why you need a vision in the first place

A product without a vision is like driving a car at night with lights switched off. And here is why: a product vision is like your north star. Something you are aiming for to achieve. Based on the vision things like strategy (the how), products (the what) and more can be derived.

Furthermore a product vision brings incredible advantages:

Aligns the team(s)

A clear product vision ensures that everyone in the team (and organisation!) understands the ultimate goal of the product. It aligns the entire organization, from the leadership to the development team, towards a shared understanding and goal.

Guides decision making

When faced with decisions on product features, design, and implementation, a well-defined product vision can guide the team in making choices that align with the long-term goal. So it will also help you to say no!

Sets priorities

A product vision helps in setting priorities by determining which topics or aspects of the product align best with the vision and should be prioritized.

These topics are anchored in the product strategy.

Inspires and motivates

A compelling product vision can inspire and motivate individuals and teams itself. It gives a reason to strive for excellence in their work, and helps them understand the impact of their work.

Especially the last point speaks for purpose for people!

Helps communicate with stakeholders

A clear product vision can be communicated to stakeholders, including investors, customers, and partners. It helps them understand where the product is headed and why they should be interested or invested in it.

2. Introduction into useful frameworks

Two very handy possibilities to write your product vision are:

1. Vision Statement Framework by Geoffrey Moore

2. The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek

Lets start with the first one:

1. Vision Statement Framework by Geoffrey Moore

Itโ€™s a simple formula which was introduced in the book โ€œCrossing the Chasmโ€ that helps you construct a clear, concise, and compelling vision statement.

There is a wonderful example from the Surface Pro. They used the framework to describe their product vision.

2. The Golden Circle by Simon Sinek

This framework by Simon Sinek is about starting with the โ€œwhyโ€ โ€” your purpose, cause, or belief โ€” before moving on to the โ€œhowโ€ and the โ€œwhatโ€.

For the โ€œwhyโ€ part you can use a specific format:

It is always good when the author also uses the framework they invented, huh. Please see below the vision of Simon Sinkes โ€œThe Optimism Companyโ€.

3. Practical examples

For inspiration, I gathered some of the best vision statements:


We connect people and shape the future of public transport.


To make the best products on earth and to leave the world better than we found it.


To provide access to the worldโ€™s information in one click.

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Giving people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.


Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.


By changing how people, food, and things move through cities, Uber is a platform that opens up the world to new possibilities.


Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.


To be the cornerstone of crafting quality user interfaces in Atlassian products.


Make commerce better for everyone, so businesses can focus on what they do best: building and selling their products.


A global force of learning through play.


To craft the brands and choice of drinks that people love, to refresh them in body & spirit.

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All these examples are very bold and short. They make you start to wonder and think about what to do to get there. Simply good.

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Finally, there are numerous reasons why you need a product vision. It helps you and in fact the whole company to have this one guiding star. It will support you to derive impactful topics such as product strategy, product roadmap and more. So do not miss out and have a product vision!



Denny Klisch

Hi, I'm Denny! I'm a product guy with 10+ years experience and I love to talk about Product Management.