Beware These Most Common Household Items Can Take A Life

Denny Seilheimer
3 min readSep 14, 2022
Household Items Can Take A Life

· Most Common Household Items That Could Be Harmful
· What Should You Hide Away From Children?
1. Medicines
2. Carbon Monoxide
3. Lithium Batteries
4. Iron Pills
5. Cleaning Products
6. Nail Paint Removers
7. Wild mushrooms
8. Alcohol
9. Pesticides
· Conclusion

Caution: If you have been exposed to a poisonous substance or product, do not risk it. Instead, call on The Carlson Company’s toll-free number +1 866–889–3410 or find other contact details on the contact page of the website for the poison test and precautions.

Most Common Household Items That Could Be Harmful

Browse through the list and see how many check marks do you get. See how many products you have at your home.

1. Alcohol

2. Pain killers

3. Pesticides

4. Bug spray

5. Prescribed sleeping medications or sedatives

6. Liquid laundry or dish wash detergent

7. Liquid nicotine (used in E-cigarettes)

8. Some household plants

9. Cosmetics or personal care products (if exposed to the bloodstream).

What Should You Hide Away From Children?

While your toddler might have the habit of putting every visible stuff from the floor in his mouth, you cannot risk leaving some items unattended in front of your children. These could be highly dangerous for a young life who doesn’t know what it is.

1. Medicines

You will surely regret leaving medicines on the floor in front of your toddler. Even mild sedatives or sleeping pills could harm the person for whom it is not suggested. Do not risk even the unprescribed medicines (from the pharmacist) lying on the floor, table, or any other place where your child can reach.

2. Carbon Monoxide

You can’t even see this silent killer. Carbon monoxide is an invisible, odourless gas that not only harms children but adults as well. It is ideal to install a carbon monoxide alarm in every room of the house.

3. Lithium Batteries

Those small button batteries seem cute but are deadly. If accidentally swallowed by the children, these batteries could cause burns in the oesophagus within just 2 hours of consumption. The burn may further extend to the trachea or aorta, causing more problems. The battery accident has taken the life of more than 60 children in the United States.

4. Iron Pills

While iron pills are highly recommended for people with anemia, they can be life-threatening for children if consumed accidentally. Children can start having vomit filled with blood or have diarrhea (containing blood) in less than 2 hours.

5. Cleaning Products

Being highly acidic in nature, cleaning products can be as dangerous to the same intensity as a fire burn on the skin. Cleaning products may have deadly results if consumed or spilled on the skin. Such products are toilet cleaners, rust removers, oven cleaners, etc.

6. Nail Paint Removers

Nail paint remover is the basic item available in the house, but these could be surprisingly dangerous. If swallowed by children, these can cause cyanide poisoning.

7. Wild mushrooms

Not all mushrooms are good to eat. Some wild mushrooms, probably growing as a weed (unwanted plant) in the backyard, may be dangerous for the children to consume.

8. Alcohol

Alcohol is recommended in a certain amount to adults only. If consumed by the children, the alcohol may cause seizures, and the child may go into a coma or even die. Infact, alcohol poisoning is dangerous for adults as well.

Read more about 7 Ways Through Drugs and Alcohol can Affect Your Body

9. Pesticides

Chemicals used to kill bugs should be used cautiously as they may have an adverse impact on adults as well as children. Some pesticides, if absorbed by a person’s skin, may lead to burns or allergies. Also, some may enter the body and affect the nervous system making it hard for you to breathe.


Educate your children as soon as possible to remain cautious of all the aforementioned items that are easily available in the house. Moreover, do not leave these items unattended in front of your children. In an unfortunate event, do not wait to save your loved one’s life, contact The Carlson Company for a poison test or any other immediate counselling.



Denny Seilheimer

The Carlson Company is a DNA diagnostics center that provides DNA testing services and synthetic drug testing worldwide. Get faster drug test results with our c