Date Rape Drugs — Symptoms And How To Protect Yourself?

Denny Seilheimer
3 min readMay 24, 2022
Date Rape Drugs — Symptoms And How To Protect Yourself?
Date Rape Drugs Test

11 million women in America have been raped when drunk or drugged (view source). Of which the number is higher for adolescent girls.

Millennials go to parties and clubs to celebrate their lives, meet with friends or hang out with their lovers. But sometimes, this becomes the biggest nightmare of their lives. With no intention to scare but to inform, this blog is entirely dedicated to date rape drugs. If consumed by anyone, these strong drugs can immediately make them sleepy or dizzy to the extent that they are partially unconscious. Those unaware of the drugs might think the symptoms are because of the alcohol, which gives culprits a chance to accomplish their crime. Also, these drugs quickly dissolve in the drinks, so no one is suspicious.

Do Not Neglect These Symptoms

General symptoms of date rape drugs are dizziness, sleepiness, relaxed brain and brief blackout. Consumption of alcohol often worsens the situation. Below is a quick list of date rape drugs and their associated symptoms. Click the link to check a more detailed list of date rape drugs.


It is one of the strongest Benzodiazepines. The drug is illegal in the United States. Although in many other countries, doctors use it for anesthesia before surgery. The most common symptom is unconsciousness and blackouts. Rohypnol shows its effect within 30 minutes of consumption

Other similar drugs are Xanax, Klonipin, and Valium.

  • Dizziness
  • No control over voluntary actions
  • Nausea
  • Confusion
  • Loss of memory
  • Brief blackouts
  • Unconsciousness


Ketamine is the fastest sedative. In a matter of seconds, one can lose consciousness if this drug is consumed. Others belonging to the same category are Quaaludes, Ambien, and Lunesta.

  • Distorted visions
  • Difficulty in breathing
  • Numbness
  • Violent behaviour
  • No control over your emotions
  • High blood pressure
  • Lack of coordination


GHB is yet another Benzodiazepine. It is a depressant that directly impacts the central nervous system — leaving a person sleepy, dizzy and confused. Beware, even the tiniest amount of GHB can have a severe impact. Click the link to know more about the GHB drug test

  • Memory loss
  • Sweating
  • Blackouts
  • Unconsciousness
  • A relaxed feeling
  • Increased sensuality
  • Nausea and vomiting

Please Note: If consumed in larger amounts, date rape drugs can even lead to death.

Protect Yourself

  • Alone visitors are the easiest targets.
  • Get your drinks yourself from the bar.
  • Do not leave your drinks unattended
  • Refrain from a large amount of alcohol consumption
  • Seek assistance upon feeling even a bit unusual.
  • Seek medical aid or lab tests to diagnose the type of date rape drug, to prevent the dangerous aftermath of the date rape drugs.

Seek Assistance ASAP

Rape is the most unfortunate accident that unfortunately can happen to anyone (especially when they are drugged). At The Carlson Company, we aim to provide expert assistance — know how long date rape drugs stay in your system, along with the forensic DNA test for the rape and the date rape drug test.



Denny Seilheimer

The Carlson Company is a DNA diagnostics center that provides DNA testing services and synthetic drug testing worldwide. Get faster drug test results with our c