Rave Drug Testing to Detect Drug Consumption

Denny Seilheimer
2 min readApr 4, 2019


Rave drugs are for the most part connected with throughout the night rave parties, night clubs, bars, school grounds, and so on. These medications are unscented, colorless, and flavorless medications that make it hard to distinguish. They are for the most part utilized for bringing about inebriating and narcotic impacts in a brief timeframe. Rave Drug Testing is the only way to detect its consumption by a person. Some of the most common rave drugs include MDMA/ecstasy, Rohypnol, Gamma Hydroxy Butyrate (GHB), ketamine, etc.

Impacts of Ecstasy incorporate seizures, trance-like state, assaults, muscle packs and so on. At the point when blended with liquor or consolidated with different medications, it might even prompt to death. It can bring about mental perplexity and torpidity when blended with liquor. The utilization of Rohypnol or Rophies can likewise bring about languor, tipsiness, and moderated reaction. Since Rohypnol inebriates the individual and cripples the individual to oppose rape, it is frequently alluded to as ‘date rape’ drug. Drawn out utilization of Ketamine prompts mental disarray, weakened learning, diminished consideration, and memory loss. LSD can bring about a slight increment in heart rate, pulse, loss of voracity, and so forth. Continued misuse of LSD prompts maniacal ideations and continuous hallucinations.

Rehashed utilization of GHB Drug Overdose has appeared to have withdrawal impacts, including a sleeping disorder, sweating, tremors, and tension. GHB misuse can bring about trance-like state and seizures.

At the point when devouring in the wake of blending with liquor, GHB can bring about sickness and breathing challenges. So, be aware of your known’s behavior & avail rave Drug test in case of any doubt.

Read More: When Teens Lie About Drugs?



Denny Seilheimer

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