What is the Best Way to Test for Heavy Metal Toxicity?

Denny Seilheimer
2 min readOct 11, 2018


Toxic metal testing is exceptionally basic among all-encompassing/elective/natural/integrative/functional doctors, be that as it may, there is a ton of misconception about the different testing techniques and translation of the outcomes.

There are various tests to decide body levels of toxic metals, yet not every one of them is equivalent. The issue with most tests is that they are reliant on your body’s capacity to discharge metals. Since a great many people with toxic metal poisonous quality have bargained detoxification capacity, testing will demonstrate low levels notwithstanding when the person is highly toxic. Diverse metals are likewise discharged in various ways so one sort of testing might be precise for a few metals, however, miss others totally. Toxic metals are additionally not equally disseminated in the body. Other than a mind biopsy, there aren’t any accessible tests to demonstrate levels in the brain.

We have toxic metals and supplement metals in our body. Toxic metals ought not to be there, but rather the supplement metals are crucial to well-being. The absolute most normal poisonous metals incorporate aluminum, cadmium, mercury, antimony, arsenic, lead, and others, while the absolute most imperative supplement metals incorporate potassium, calcium, selenium, zinc, copper, manganese and molybdenum. It’s essential to know the levels of both for an assortment of reasons. For one, the harmful metals regularly contend with supplement metals. Now and then you can drive out the toxic metal essentially by expanding the supplement metal that is low.

Coming up next are the distinctive best way to test for heavy metal toxicity for heavy metals

The hair analysis provides us with the best outcomes for heavy metals that are being put away and the RBC Mineral test furnishes us with the best outcomes for later and continuous exposures and supplement metals. The two together, give us all that we have to know. Hair testing is famous on the grounds that it is anything but difficult to do. Like blood testing, levels of heavy metals will be high in the hair for fourteen days after a noteworthy introduction, yet from that point onward, levels will be constrained to your detoxification capacity.

If you’d like the RBC mineral test, you can set up a phone consultation and you can connect with preferred lab, which will also provide you best way to test for heavy metal toxicity.

A hair analysis allows the basic problem to be recognized and with proper dietary changes, supplementation, and detoxification, the chronic health condition often improves. For more information about hair analysis testing, click here.

Originally published at controldrugtesting.blogspot.com.



Denny Seilheimer

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