3 Common Internal Challenges When Trying to Maintain Mindful Positive Self-Talk and How to Overcome Them

Denise Pyles
2 min readApr 20, 2024
Photo Credit: Denise Pyles, Terrapile, Tuscany, Italy

Maintaining positive self-talk is an ongoing effort.

It helps to be attentive and kind to yourself in the process. Here are the three most common internal challenges around sustaining positive self-talk as a mindfulness practice.

Challenge #1. Your Inner Critic May Be in Overdrive

Your inner critic can be your worst enemy. It magnifies your failures and undermines your confidence.

A common mistake is to listen to your inner critic as if it were an objective observer. Keep challenging your inner negative voice. Ask yourself, “Would I talk to a friend like this?” If not, it’s time to reframe your thoughts.

Challenge #2. You Might Compare Yourself to Others

Constantly comparing yourself to others distorts your self-view and generates unnecessary stress.

Avoid scrolling through social media because it’s easy to think everyone else has it better. Focus on your journey. Use your past achievements as a benchmark for progress, not someone else’s curated and filtered life on social media.

Challenge #3. You Might Be



Denise Pyles

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses on micro-mindfulness for thought leaders in high-pressure tech. I'm a former nun with 35K+ hours of mindfulness practice.