The Best Motivating Quotes from Mindfulness Experts on Developing a Daily Mindfulness Practice to Manage Your Self-Talk and Build Self-Confidence

Denise Pyles
2 min readJul 25, 2023

Feelings come and go like clouds in a windy sky. Conscious breathing is my anchor. — Thich Nhat Hanh: This quote highlights the impermanence of feelings. Negative self-talk often arises from fleeting negative feelings. You can manage these feelings and enhance your self-confidence by focusing on your breath — a constant in your life.

Remember, you have been criticizing yourself for years, and it hasn’t worked. Try approving of yourself and see what happens. — Louise Hay: Self-criticism often underlies poor self-confidence. Hay suggests trying self-approval instead. Celebrating your accomplishments, however small, can combat negative self-talk and build your confidence.

Don’t believe everything you think. Thoughts are just that — thoughts. — Allan Lokos: Lokos reminds you that your thoughts are not always factual. Recognizing this can help you manage your self-talk and bolster your self-confidence. Remember, the aim is not to suppress negative thoughts but to acknowledge them without judgment.

Meditation is the ultimate mobile device; you can use it anywhere, anytime, unobtrusively. — Sharon Salzberg: This quote underscores the accessibility of mindfulness. You don’t need special equipment or a specific environment to practice mindfulness. This versatility allows you to manage your self-talk and improve your self-confidence regardless of circumstances.

Respond; don’t react. Listen; don’t talk. Think; don’t assume. — Raji Lukkoor: Lukkoor’s quote highlights three strategies for mindfulness. You can engage more constructively with yourself and others by responding rather than reacting, listening instead of talking, and thinking before assuming. This can lead to healthier self-talk and improved self-confidence.

In today’s rush, we all think too much, seek too much, want too much, and forget about the joy of just Being. — Eckhart Tolle: Mindfulness isn’t a destination but a journey. Tolle’s quote suggests that mindfulness allows you to find joy in simply existing rather than constantly striving. You can manage your self-talk and build self-confidence by focusing less on achieving and more on being.

Sequim, WA



Denise Pyles

I ghostwrite Educational Email Courses on micro-mindfulness for thought leaders in high-pressure tech. I'm a former nun with 35K+ hours of mindfulness practice.