How Can You Select The Right Dental Implant For You?

3 min readJan 18, 2024


Men and women with missing teeth face multiple problems, including low confidence, refraining from smiles, and failure to interact with others. Losing teeth can cause difficulty with chewing, proper eating habits, and proper digestion of the food you eat. If you have one or more missing teeth, chances are high that your dentist will suggest some form of dental implant in Los Angeles.

Read on!!

Understanding Dental Implants

Before choosing any dental implant treatment, you need to have working knowledge of different types of dental implants. A dental implant replaces the broken or missing teeth, serving as an artificial tooth to help give you a full complement of teeth and support your gums and jawbone. If you have been missing vital teeth for chewing, or speaking clearly, you probably need dental implants.

Different Types Of Dental Implants

There are two major types of dental implants to replace single teeth or multiple teeth:

Endosteal dental implants

It is a common dental implants that are easily available today. They offer several advantages such as stability and durability. Here are some features of dental implants:

•Made of materials like titanium or ceramic
•Place directly into the jawbone
•Require sufficient bone density & volume
•Ideal for people with adequate oral health and sufficient bone density to support the implant

•Subperiosteal dental implants

It is another type of dental implant. Here are some of its features:

•Place under the gum above the jawbone
•Offer ease of post and less invasive surgery
•Less stable than endosteal
•Ideal for people with shallow jawbones or those who cannot undergo dental implant surgery due to health reasons.

•Zygomatic dental implants

it is specialized types used when traditional dental implants are not an option, due to a lack of bone density. Here are some features of zygomatic dental implants:

•Placed in cheekbone, which is denser than the jawbone
•Ideal for people with severe bone loss who cannot undergo traditional dental implant surgery.
•More invasive than conventional implants and can lead to complications like nerve damage.

Factors considered When Choosing Dental Implants

Choosing a dental implant can be overwhelming, as several factors must be considered. Factors such as bone density, oral health status, aesthetic preferences, budget, and dentist experiences play a role in the decision-making process.

•Bone density and quality

Bone density is critical in determining the type of implant suitable for individuals. Patients with low bone density may require an additional dental procedure, such as bone grafting, for successful dental implants. These additional procedures provide sufficiently natural bone to support the implant and boost healing.

•Oral health status

Before an ongoing dental implant procedure, it is essential to have good oral health. Gum disease and other oral health problems can affect the success of dental implant procedures. The gum tissues and nearby teeth may also be impacted during the implant procedure.

•Aesthetic preferences

These also play an important role in the choice of dental implant. The appearance of the final restoration such as a crown, colour, shape, and size can influence the type of implant selected. Patients may select from various materials and designs to achieve their desired look and feel. If you suffer from misalignment issues you can choose invisalign Los Angeles.

In conclusion, choosing the right implant material and considering bone density is crucial for successful dental implants. Post-implant care and maintenance are also paramount to prevent potential complications. Evaluating personal needs and preferences is more significant when deciding between dental implants and other alternatives.




Dentalogics offers dental services using modern technology at the top-rated dentist in Los Angeles, CA.