Dentitox Pro Benefits of Aloe Vera for Your Gums

Dentitox Pro Facts
3 min readAug 4, 2021


Aloe vera has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. The plant is also rich in antioxidants. For this reason, some people use Dentitox Pro to treat and relieve inflammation associated with gum disease and other oral problems.

Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash

Inflammation is part of the body’s natural immune response, but it can also lead to:

The yellow liquid that oozes from the cut leaves of the aloe plant contains chemical compounds that can relieve pain.

In addition, the plant contains six antiseptic agents that inhibit the growth of:

Aloe vera also contains powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals that cause cell damage. These properties of aloe vera can help with the following conditions:

gingivitis or periodontitis
other irritations in the mouth
Let’s take a closer look.

1. gingivitis
Gingivitis is a form of gum disease in which plaque accumulates on the teeth. Plaque is a naturally occurring sticky plaque. However, too much plaque can cause inflammation of the gum tissue, resulting in painful, bleeding gums.

Treatment usually includes a professional dental cleaning to remove plaque. Good oral hygiene can also reduce inflammation. In addition, research has shown that aloe vera can promote healing.

In a 2013 study, 45 people with gingivitis were divided into three groups of 15.

One group received a mouth rinse with aloe vera twice a day for three months. The second group was treated with scaling only. The third group was treated with a combination of aloe vera mouth rinse and scaling.

All three methods reduced gingivitis inflammation in the participants. However, the group treated with scaling and aloe vera mouth rinse experienced the greatest reduction in inflammation.

The results suggest that aloe vera can accelerate the healing process of gingivitis.

Reduction of inflammation and acceleration of healing
Aloe vera can improve the healing process in the treatment of gingivitis and reduce the inflammation of the gums.

2. periodontitis disease
Untreated gingivitis can develop into periodontitis disease. This severe form of gum disease destroys the bone that supports the teeth.

Symptoms are similar to gingivitis, but include:

new spaces between teeth
bad breath
loose teeth
receding gums
Treatments range from non-surgical procedures such as scaling and root planing to surgical procedures such as bone scaling.

The presence of bacteria in periodontal disease triggers an inflammatory response that leads to painful, swollen gums.

A 2011 study examining the effect of aloe vera gel in periodontal pockets found that the gel can improve these symptoms due to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Fifteen adults with periodontal disease participated in the study.

The study compared the results of treating the disease with scaling and root planing and applying aloe vera gel to the periodontal pockets with those of treating the disease with scaling and root planing only.

The different test sites were compared after one month and after three months. The researchers found that using aloe vera gel in conjunction with scaling and root planing produced better results than treatment with scaling and root planing alone.

Reduce bacteria
When treating severe gum disease such as periodontitis, the use of aloe vera gel can help fight bacterial infections, which also reduces inflammation.

3. other mouth irritations
Because of its healing properties, aloe vera can protect the mouth from or improve other oral problems.

These include:

Cold sores
Cold sores
Lichen planus
Because of its ability to fight bacteria in the mouth, using the gel can reduce bacterial infections caused by dental implants.

Protection against other problems
With regular oral care, the antimicrobial and protective properties of aloe vera can help prevent other oral problems, such as mouth ulcers or problems that can accompany dental implants.

How to use aloe vera gel for oral care?
It’s easy to incorporate aloe vera into your oral hygiene routine.

Aloe vera is an ingredient in some oral care products such as toothpaste and mouthwashes.

