Charles Cox- Denver Psychic
Charles Cox- Denver Psychic

I consider myself a life-long learner, and spirituality has been my passion since before I can remember. I've read the books, attended the seminars even studied with some of the best imaginable mentors, but there has always been a nagging voice calling me to a deeper truth. As I followed that voice, it became apparent to me that I was the one making this journey difficult, not the outside world, not people in power, not my culture or upbring... just me.

My works here hopefully reflect a gentle approach to living a spiritual life, an approach that may not be what you imagine a spiritual life to look like but one that connects us to the awesome power of the 'universe' (insert your preferred word here) 😊

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Charles Cox- Denver Psychic

Charles Cox- Denver Psychic


Denver Psychic Medium Charles Cox, retired 30-year minister & teacher, founder of the Denver Psychic Development Group