Find God Through The Wisdom Of Christ And Humility

Denzel Damba
3 min readOct 30, 2023


In a culture obsessed with ego, I continually reflect on what it means to live with humility. Social media amplifies our voices and brands. We grasp for identity through status, wealth and approval. Yet the wisest teachers speak of a different path — one of humility, openness and seeking.

I believe the greatest truths are unlocked when we admit our smallness before an infinite God. My spiritual journey has been marked by questions, not dogmatic claims. I search for glimmers of wisdom in sacred texts( The Bible for me), quiet meditation(prayer) and respectful dialogue.

True humility does not demand proof on our own terms. When we insist God scientifically reveal himself, we arrogantly mix categories, imposing material limits on the divine. I am learning humility before mystery, acknowledging realities beyond the physical.

Christ shows God’s unconditional love for imperfect humanity. His teachings and sacrifice transcend earthly power and ego. He offers rebirth and renewal to sincere seekers. I feel grace when I surrender pride and confess my flaws. Forgiving others brings healing; judgment and revenge breed bitterness.

I know my vision is partial, my wisdom incomplete. I approach sensitive issues with care, avoiding divisive arguments. Disagreements civilly expressed can illuminate truth. Condemning those with differing views often signals insecurity, not strength.

Finding truth requires listening as much as speaking. I try to open my heart more than assert opinions. The path of humility seeks common ground. Though elusive, wisdom reveals itself to those who humbly and diligently seek.

Our egos grasp for status and approval, while ancient teachings exalt the path of humility. My spiritual journey has been deeply impacted by the wisdom of Christ, who modeled surrender of ego in service of God. Yet I believe Christ’s message enlightens people of all backgrounds when approached with openness.

Jesus eschewed earthly power, asserting the humility of a child as the pathway to heaven. He touched lepers and dined with outcasts, extending divine grace to the marginalized. Christ’s teachings focused on the heart more than outward appearances and rule-following.

On the cross, Jesus exemplified radical humility — suffering death innocently to redeem our sins. The resurrection affirmed his supernatural victory over humanity’s ultimate fear. For me, Easter symbolizes the hope we have in Christ.

I continually reflect on Christ’s call to forgive others. He said to forgive “seventy times seven” — in other words, limitlessly. While injustice should be addressed, retribution breeds more hatred. Only grace transforms hearts.

Jesus preached love for one’s enemies. This difficult teaching counters our instinct for tribalism and condemnation of those who seem “other.” Applying this universal, unconditional love could profoundly impact society.

Of course, no one fully lives up to Christ’s example except Christ himself. I stumble daily, but find renewal in his mercy. Jesus judged outward piety less than inward sincerity. I aim to approach faith humbly and keep my heart open to truth from unexpected sources.

There is much I don’t comprehend about the divine. Hell signifies existence apart from God, not literal fire. Heaven’s glories exceed imagination. Judgment is not mine, but Christ’s alone. Mystery leaves room for discovery when we walk with humility.

Seeking truth as a finite being is a paradox — the more I learn, the more I realize how little I know. The path requires letting go of ego to make room for wisdom greater than myself. By humility and grace, fleeting glimpses of enlightenment brighten the long road ahead.

