How to fix click event not working in mobile phones

Deo Viray
Aug 11, 2019

Today, I am going to sharing to you how to fix the click event that doesn’t work in mobile browsers or specifically in iPhone. I encountered this problem when I was trying to test the responsive menu of a website I created in my IPhone.

In order to fix that problem we are going to delegate the click event to the parent element and if one if it’s child was click then let’s put are code there.

<div class="parent">
<div class="child">I am the target element</div>

JavaScript event delegation code

const parent = document.querySelector(".parent");parent.addEventListener("click", function(e) {     const child =".child, .child *");     if (child) { // If child is click     // Your code here

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Thank you for reading.

visit MDN to learn more about this bug.



Deo Viray

Frontend Developer — I love learning new things and sharing my knowledge.