Introduction: Getting started “decentralized flip coin” with DeODD!

3 min readMay 11, 2023



Send our warmest greetings to all of you! We are pleased to welcome you to DeODD world.

In this official introduction, we will provide you all the essential information about DeODD. From its unique features to the incredible opportunities it offers. Get ready to delve into a world of decentralized flip coin and lottery mechanism!

DeODD Official Trailer

What is DeODD?

DeODD is a smart contract built on the BNB Chain Ecosystem that allows users to play a decentralized coin flip and lottery mechanism by your BNB, with the flipping odds of 50/50 and charge a 3.25% fee, and a portion allocated to the DeODD NFT Holders Pool.

How it started?

The history of coin flips can be traced back to ancient times, where it was used as a way to make decisions or settle disputes. The use of coins as a tool for decision-making dates back at least 2,500 years to ancient Greece. Today, coin flips are still used in various contexts, such as sports, where it is used to determine which team gets to choose first, and in politics, where it is used to break a tie in an election. The simplicity and randomness of coin flips have made it a popular method for decision-making throughout history.

Nowadays, the blockchain technology can be applied to coin flips in a more transparent and fair manner. Instead of using a physical coin, users can use a blockchain-based application or website to conduct the coin flip.

When using blockchain, the result of the coin flip will be stored in an encrypted data block. Each user can verify the result of the coin flip by viewing the data block on the blockchain, ensuring that the result is transparent and cannot be tampered with. Additionally, using blockchain also helps ensure the fairness of the coin flip process, thus avoiding any potential cheating that may occur when using a physical coin. With the increasing popularity of blockchain-based coin flip games, players can enjoy a more secure and trustworthy gaming experience.

You can read about Background and Project Starting point here: [ Whitepaper Link]

Getting started with DeODD

To get started with coin flip mechanism, you need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Visit the official DeODD website at using your PC or mobile devices.
Step 2: Connect your Metamask Wallet (*).
Step 3: Set your nickname (or display name) and choose an avatar from available options.
Step 4: Pick either Heads or Tails
Step 5: Select your bet amount with your BNB.
Step 6: Click “Double or Nothing”.
Step 7: Wait a few seconds and get the result.

(*) Metamask Wallet: provides users with a secure and convenient way to manage their digital assets and interact with Dapps without the need for a separate wallet or complicated technical knowledge. Visit and add the wallet to your Chrome, follow the instructions to create a wallet.

How can you earn with DeODD?

In DeODD, it’s not only about flipping coin, we created a circular economy where you can make money in multiple ways:

  • Jackpot Pool
  • NFT holder Pool
  • Golden hours
  • Campaign
  • Referral to earn
  • Lottery mechanism

You can learn more about our DeODD Economics here: [whitepaper link]

Reward Pools

The DeODD team has decided to distribute service fees collected from users into different reward pools as a means of encouraging users to actively participate and contribute to the project. The provision of these reward pools can also be a way to evaluate and honor active users who have contributed to the development of the project.

Specifically, the coin flip service fee of 3.25% collected from users will be divided into different specific reward pools as follows:

  • The Coin Flip Jackpot Pool: 0.25%
  • The DeODD NFT Holders Pool: 1%
  • The Referral Pool Balance: 1.5%
  • The remaining 0.5% is kept for other pools, including: The project development team; The R&D team; and Reserved Pool Balance.

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DeODD is a smart contract built on BNB Chain Ecosystem that allows users to play a decentralized flip coin and lottery mechanism by your BNB.