20 Hilarious Staircase Building Fails

Jerry De Paepe
3 min readAug 7, 2019


Except of course, for when they aren’t and they don’t lead anywhere.

This post about the worst stair building fails is to brighten your day. Or maybe, they will drive you up the wall!

Ok, enough with the puns, here are our top 20 picks for the most hilarious building stair fails.

1. We were just following the design

2. Stairway to…heaven?

3. Mind your head

4. This mistake escalated quickly

5. This just doesn’t line up

6. Does anyone need a step-by-step tutorial on how to follow a design?

7. Very unhelpful handrails

8. An ungodly decent

9. Caution: Uneven surfaces

10. Tuck in your tummy for this tight squeeze

11. Watch your step

12. These stairs have an Escherian quality, but not in a good way

13. A beautiful stone staircase to nowhere

14. Pretty sure this isn’t up to code

15. They missed a step

16. They didn’t really need that room anyway

17. There is something missing here

18. These stairs are up to…nothing

19. No. Just no.

20. These stairs are not in pole position

With a few extra steps, you can avoid tremendous building fails like these-make sure you are creating and checking your daily reports with your team. If a door is missing, you might notice it before you add the staircase.

Speaking of reporting-we’ve made it easy to create gorgeous, daily project reports that will help you avoid miscommunications with your team and client. Download a free trial here.

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Originally published at https://blog.archisnapper.com on August 7, 2019.

