A (short) introduction to Flipside Crypto … or how to become a bounty hunter!

8 min readFeb 22, 2022


Lately the community is growing a lot and many new people are joining Flipside, like myself a few months ago. To make it a bit easier for those new crypto interested community members, I tried to put together a quick and lightweight introduction to Flipside.

Learn. Earn. Repeat. Get paid to learn about protocols and chains, and level up to become a crypto-SQL superstar!

So what is Flipside Crypto?

Their slogan on the website already says all you need to know. With Flipside you will learn about new crypto projects, their data and how to handle those data with SQL to build exciting analyses. Beside this, you have the opportunity to earn some money or tokens while solving bounties and exploring these projects and data.

Of course, this is by far not everything Flipside actually does and can do, but it is absolutely sufficient for this article ;-) A much more detailed and in-depth description of Flipside Crypto can be found here.

Let’s learn and earn!

Where do I find those bounties?

To find out about new bounties as soon as possible, be sure to follow Flipside on Twitter, the website, the newsletter and best of all join discord.

Hint: Following their discord is the best and fastest way to to hear about the new bounties at an early stage.

All new and ongoing bounties can always be found directly on the start page, just scroll down a bit. You’ll find an overview of all different bounties sorted by projects and level of difficulty.

Hint: New bounties regularly come out on Fridays.

Active and upcoming bounties.

All bounty-boxes are showing, the project name, name of the bounty, a short description, available claims or tickets, the remaining time to solve the bounty and of course what you can earn. You can only claim a bounty when available claims are shown or your max. claims are not reached. You can claim a maximum of 4 bounties at a time. After you have solved or released a bounty, your slots will be available again. To find out more about a bounty and more important to claim a bounty you have to click and open the bounty details.

Bounty details

On the details page you’ll see again the project, the bounty name, detailed information about the bounty, payouts, level and your claims, available claims and a button to claim a bounty.

Important: Before you can claim a bounty you have to join their discord and also authenticate on https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/ with your discord account. Only then you can claim a bounty …

The most important things on the detail pages are the description of what you have to do to solve the bounty and of course the claim button. After claiming the site changes a bit. It will show the remaining time until the bounty ends, a button to release a bounty and a form to submit your dashboard and wallet address.

Hint: Each bounty is paid with the corresponding token mentioned in payout on the bounty details. That means you will need different wallets for different bounties!

Submit bounty (Dashboard link and Wallet address)

Important: If you have claimed a bounty and for whatever reason you don’t have time to solve it or can’t solve it, you always have the option to release a bounty. Please do this as soon as possible to give others enough time to solve the bounty.

Different types of bounties

There are two different types of bounties, Scavanger Hunts and regular bounties with different levels of difficulty.

Scavanger Hunts

This is an easy way to getting to know new projects (DeFi apps, protocols, dexs, etc.) and earn money by showing that you used the promoted apps by showing your transactions in a small dashboard with velocity using little SQL and explanation what you’ve done with those apps. Scavanger Hunts are for everyone, you don’t need to have completed any other hunts before.

Regular bounties

Regular bounties come in 3 different levels (Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced). To access the higher levels you’ll have to do some beginner and intermediates first. Sometimes even the beginner bounties are very challenging, especially for beginners (like me). To solve these kind of bounties you need a bit more experience. You’ll need to understand the projects, the blockchains, the data stored in Velocity and some know-how in SQL. It is always good to do some research about the project!

Various levels of difficulty

There are three levels of difficulty, beginner bounties are most easy, sometimes not 😉, intermediate ones are for advanced users and advanced bounties are for pure experts. Here are the official rules to access them:

Beginner bounties and scavenger hunts are designed for those who are just getting started with Community-Enabled Analytics or are new to a particular ecosystem. These bounties are open to all users, regardless of experience or ability level.

Intermediate bounties are intended to offer a more challenging experience than Beginner bounties — often with a higher potential reward. These bounties are open to users that have successfully completed at least three Beginner bounties.

Advanced bounties are most challenging and difficult bounty questions — and offer the largest potential rewards too. These bounties are open to our most experienced and talented analysts — namely, those that have completed at least 10 bounties and received at least one grand prize.



Velocity is the flipside database holding all the data of different protocols / chains. Velocity is based on snowflake, you can simple process data with SQL queries. To present your data, charts and analysis you can also build dashboards. There are collections, which are a bit like folders, but we will ignore them for now.

For Velocity you have to create an account first. Sign up here.

To start with your first query or dashboard, you have to create a new one by pressing the blue ‘+ New’ button in the top right corner.

Create new Queries and Dashboards.


Write some SQL to get data. There are different Schema for different projects and blockchains.

Query editor


Show your result in a chart. There are many different types of charts to make your data more understandable and the results easier to interpret.

Chart editor


Create a dashboard to present results, charts, analysis, explanations, etc. …

Dashboard to present results, charts, descriptions, …
Dashboard to present results, charts, descriptions, …

Hint: If you want to learn how to create very good dashboards and analyses, check out this great guide by samBounty dashboard guide

Publish your Dashboard

After your analysis dashboard is finished, you have to publish your dashboard to present it to the team and to the public if you want to. Just press the button ‘Publish‘ in the top right and copy the link, paste it on the bounty details page, add your wallet address and submit your findings.

Query examples

A lot of examples for queries and how to handle data could be found inside Velocity. Just check out the ‘Starter queries’ or community shared queries in ‘Discover’.

Shared with me — Starter Queries: Shared by Flipside
Copy and edit hundreds of queries: Shared by the community

What is the status of my submission?

Everyone wants to know the status of a submission and when it will get paid. In order to create more transparency for the user, Flipside has recently created an overview page of the bounties already submitted. To get there, just click your user name in the top right corner on the Flipside site or click here.

Overview of submissions.

You’ll see all your submissions with date, bounty name, submission link, submitted wallet address, status and payment info. There are several status:

  • Submitted — You successfully submitted your submission, including your dashboard and wallet address.
  • Approved — The submission is approved and eligible for payment.
  • Grand Prize — You won a grand prize with your submission. Flipside graded your bounty as the best submitted. This will give you a higher payout and your dashboard will be listed on the grand prize winner page.
  • Not Eligible — Your submission did not hit the expected criteria or is not not legit due to plagiarism . To learn more about grading click here.
  • Paid — Your bounty has been paid. Just check your wallet, which you entered in your submission.

Bounty payments are usually between one and two weeks after submission.


Flipside is a great place to make first steps into the crypto space, to learn about projects and how to analyze data! Also as a professional data-analyst you can do advanced bounties earn some money on the side. Don’t miss this opportunity!

Important notice: The Flipside community is growing strongly and as the community grows, so does the functionality, getting better and better thanks to a great team. This also means that the screenshots, described features and links will not necessarily still look or work exactly as described here.

Earn! Learn! Repeat! And enjoy hunting!

Thanks for reading!

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask in the Flipside Crypto Discord.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/der_piper




⬛️ Onchain Data Analyst & NFT addicted ⬛️ Community Moderator @flipsidecrypto 📈 ⬛️ @rekt_gang Community Member 🐺🍄🐂🐔