To Answer Your Question, Natalie

Judy Derby
3 min readJul 31, 2022

And I hope you’ve got some advice for me, too

Photo courtesy of

Recently, a reader asked me a question about an article I wrote back in November.

I wrote this article my second week on the platform, when I was such a noob and so excited to be writing again. My enthusiasm was overflowing and you could probably tell.

I am imagining all the seasoned writers rolling their eyes as they scrolled past my offering.

But that’s okay, because I was still having a fabulous time. Then reality set in.

I started noticing that what everyone seemed to want to read about was Medium itself and all of its intricacies. Clapping, commenting, writing, the algorithm, earnings — this was what was engaging readers. So that’s what I focused on.

Yes, I still wrote my daily essays and occasionally my flash fiction, but that’s not what got the most earnings for me. And I was losing my enthusiasm and joy. Gradually, it seemed like Medium was just becoming another task in my daily to-do list.



Judy Derby

Hey, ya’ll! I’m a retired social worker who always wondered what I should be when I grew up. Still don’t know. Love trivia, random thoughts and short stories.