Top 10 Most-Asked Google Questions in 2021

Judy Derby
4 min readDec 23, 2021

and why?

Like a year in review montage, the list of most-asked questions of Google provides insight into what concerned us this past year.

2021 found the world still struggling through COVID-19. The pandemic affected everyone, from babies (whose parents needed childcare to continue working) to seniors in nursing homes (who faced lockdowns in which no one was allowed to visit) — and everyone in between.

Those who worked faced businesses that were shut down, or that required us to work from home. Millions were on unemployment and waiting it out at home with children who couldn’t return to school. Many worried about eviction, getting sick, and how to have enough money.

All of this can be seen by the top 10 list of questions asked Google, according to a search done in Google’s Keyword Tool.

  1. what to watch — 9,140,000. With so much time on our hands, we turned to television, movies and the internet to keep us entertained and distracted. Services like Netflix, Hulu and Amazon Prime set records for new subscribers.
  2. where’s my refund — 7,480,000. With the economy affected, most of us were…



Judy Derby

Hey, ya’ll! I’m a retired social worker who always wondered what I should be when I grew up. Still don’t know. Love trivia, random thoughts and short stories.