The Symbolism of the Triforce

Derek Beyer
3 min readApr 12, 2016

In The Legend of Zelda, there is a great power: the Triforce. Far from being a plot device, the Triforce is a symbol that represents a path towards growth and harmony both in the myth and in the real world.

The three triangles of the Triforce represent the virtues of Power, Wisdom, and Courage. These virtues correspond with the Body, the Mind, and the Soul. It is a tri-part philosophy about the composition of all things, and the way towards peace and balance.

Power is the physical virtue, the capacity of the Body. It is the force that makes all things possible. Power overcomes obstacles and changes the world. However, a person that possesses Power alone will become corrupt.

Wisdom is the intellectual virtue, the capacity of the Mind. It dictates the laws of behavior that all things obey. Wisdom cuts through confusion to find truth. However, a person that possesses Wisdom alone is impotent.

Courage is the spiritual virtue, the capacity of the Soul. It is the impetus that drives all living beings. Courage enables us to choose love over fear. A person that possesses Courage may be weak and ignorant, but they stand to gain both Wisdom and Power through their efforts.

Balance is achieved when Wisdom, Power, and Courage exist in equal capacities. This is suggested by the shape of the Triforce…

