Broken Crayons Still Color

Derek Burbidge
2 min readSep 4, 2020


I heard this quote this morning during my morning routine and I took some time to dwell on it.

I am apart of a few groups on Facebook where I am seeing broken posts, left and right. Most of it comes down to putting our trust, hopes, dreams, identity, etc. on other people or our circumstances.

I am very guilty of riding the highs and lows in my circumstances myself. My goal is to stay steady, consistent, and faithful in the highs and lows. I am so much better at this than I have ever been but I still have room to grow.

In my life I lean on verses like this:

Isaiah 43:2 — Even when times are rough and you are in “deep waters” God will be right by your side, leading and guiding you through your worst.

It is not in God’s character to be unfaithful, He is faithful. When you want things to go right so bad but they take a left, take a pause. Assess the situation and see if the left turn is where you need to be going.

Even in the most broken place, where everything seems lost and hopeless, broken crayons still color. There is something you can do.

Photo by Eric Ayon on Unsplash

One of the greatest pieces of advice I ever received was:

“God can’t steer you if you aren’t moving your feet.”

Sometimes I let my oldest daughter sit in my lap and pretend to drive. We are in the driveway or waiting for my wife to come out of a store. She loves it but we aren’t going anywhere. She can turn that wheel all the way around but if the car is in park, we will always be in the driveway.

Not taking steps is the worst thing you can possibly do. If you fail, you learn, if it’s the wrong way it will lead you to the right way.

COVID sucks, businesses are struggling, you may have lost your job, it may cause tension in your relationships but broken crayons still color. Take a step. That next step could be the one that leads you to the promised land, or it could be the first step of 100 that gets you there.



Derek Burbidge

Owner of Cardero Clothing, Video Vision Board & Valore Agency. Christian, husband and father of 2 beautiful girls. I promise to be real with you.