String Reversal In Javascript

Derek Cerretani
2 min readApr 18, 2020


Photo by Tyler Nix on Unsplash

There are a bunch of ways to reverse a string in Javascript.

I’ve got a big mug of coffee next to me while writing this and it’s inspiring me. Let’s reverse the string, “coffee”. Here’s how to do it with magical built-in methods:

"coffee".split("").reverse.join("");// "eeffoc"

Let’s break that down.

The #split method turns a string into an array.

"coffee".split(); // ["coffee"]

In order to reverse each letter in the string, we have to pass #split an empty string argument (“”). This splits the string between each character.

"coffee".split(""); // ["c", "o", "f", "f", "e", "e"]

We can then chain the #reverse method and that will reverse all of the elements in the array.

"coffee".split("").reverse(); // ["e", "e", "f", "f", "o", "c"]

Now the string is reversed but it’s still an array. How can we return a string? The #join method will turn an array into a string, so we’ll add that to the end of our method chain.

Similar to #split we need to pass in an empty string argument to #join so our array elements will be joined in-between characters.

// join without argument"coffee".split("").reverse().join(); // "e,e,f,f,o,c"// join with empty string argument"coffee".split("").reverse().join(""); // "eeffoc"

Awesome! Our string is reversed! In an interview setting, you might be asked to reverse a string without using built-in methods. Let’s solve that problem next.

Here’s our reverse function. I’ve included a reversedString variable that we’ll return at the end.

function reverse(str) {    let reversedString = "";    return reversedString;}

Now we need to iterate over our string. I like the JS for/of statement because it’s short and readable.

function reverse(str) {  let reversedString = "";  // create variable char that will be assigned the value of each
// element in the string
for(let char of str) { // do stuff } return reversedString;}

Inside of our loop, we can concatenate to reversedString by adding char to the front.

reversedString = char + reversedString;

Keeping up with our string being “coffee”, the first time through our loop char = “c”, the next time char = “o”, and so on.

str = "coffee";
reversedChar = "";
First Time Through:
for(let char of str) { // char = c
reversedString = char + reversedString;

// now reversedString = "c"
Second Time Through:
for(let char of str) { // char = "o", reversedString = "c"
reversedString = char + reversedString;
// now reversedString = "oc"}

When the loop exits our reversedString will be built and we return it at the end of the function. Here’s the whole thing put together.

function reverse(str) {  let reversedString = "";  for(let char of str) {    reversedString = char + reversedString;  }  return reversedString;}

It even works with spaces!

reverse("this blog post is over")// "revo si tsop golb siht"

Thanks for reading!

