One Outsource From Agile

Derek Coppess
2 min readApr 17, 2019


Always keep moving forward — and once you have successfully capitalized on your mistakes — never look back!

I started my first real estate development company with a Big Hairy Audacious Goal. My “BHAG” was to create a purpose-driven, urban portfolio — in my backyard — then scale that prototype across the country.

But I made a mistake.

Instead of staying nimble, I created a very complex organization. My actions did not mirror my desire to keep moving, to scale. I was the opposite of agile and got stuck.

$100,000,000 in created assets took 5 years, I know, that sounds fast. What you don’t see in that stat is the 5 years of wasted energy when I was stuck. Sure, there were a lot of lessons in those “wasted” years but as I roll forward, I am keeping things far more agile.

Illustration of my $100,000,000 creation. Created 2011 to 2016.

Business agility is one of the primary disciplines I have used to create our newest venture that is beginning to scale and it already feels great.

When looking to scale your passion, think about agility constantly. Keep it simple, you might be one, simple “outsource” from agile. I was.

As you get rolling, you want to avoid that moss!



Derek Coppess

Real estate entrepreneur, husband/stepdad, chronic maximizer. I’m building a community of great leaders (and humans) @TheEstablishment