What Democrats should understand about the economy.

Derek Hudley
3 min readJan 13, 2024


There are many democrats who are confused because Biden has had record economic numbers. Lowest unemployment in a long time, fast economic growth, high job creation, bounce back from COVID etc. but for some reason voters seem to disapprove of his presidency. His approval ratings seem to get worse and now, election polls show Trump winning the next election.

While these numbers are certainly true and deserving of some merit to Biden, there are a few numbers that are being habitually ignored by those who ran of those issues in the first place. Inequality is getting worse, 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and inflation is still going up for many. The number in the middle is the most important part which means that Americans lives aren’t really improving.

I talk to many of my coworkers about the growth numbers and often, they brush them off. Because how exactly does it benefit them? The money is going to the top. At their grocery stores, prices are getting worse.

Young people are also very dissatisfied because Biden ran on all these promises such as student debt relief (they are grateful for some), addressing climate change, and now with his response to the Israel-Hamas war, things are getting worse. But now with these things clearly out the window, many are going to simply blow off the election.

It doesn’t really matter how much you toot the economy is good because unless the working class’s material conditions improve, you’ll be nothing but words to many people. While Biden has seen a somewhat of an increase in real wages, they are being replaced by inflation.

I’m a leftist and it is very hard to vote for Biden right now because he isn’t delivering on anything. It’s not enough to say, “I’m not Trump”. You got to bring home the bacon. What’s annoying is that many liberals and leftists included don’t push Biden to deliver.

Trump may have a disadvantage when it comes to his criminal charges, but that might not be enough to stop his rise to presidency. Do you remember how surprised everyone was when Trump got elected? It wasn’t just because Hiliary screwed up. People were angry and wanted an “outsider”, no matter how much of an insincere populist he is, to shake things up. And boy howdy did he in quite a few ways.

Telling people to vote blue no matter who, just because the other guy is bad, only works for so long before people just give up. It won’t matter. Voting doesn’t change anything. No one cares about me. Or even worse, they go for someone who at least acts like it.

Democrats often have this attitude of “Well we don’t have the votes necessary so oh well, can’t do anything!” This is a loser’s attitude. No one would want to vote for that.

You’ve got to make things work for everyone and Biden, he’s not really doing so. It is possible that Biden can win but right now, the winds are starting to blow in Trump’s favor.

Thanks for reading. If you enjoy what I write, please clap, and follow. Also be sure to share this story so that others may hear this message. My email is derekhudley@gmail.com



Derek Hudley

I’m just a libertarian socialist who wants to write. My favorite activities are hunting, fishing, and playing Xbox.