The Future of Virtual and Augmented Reality (VR/AR) with Gen Z

Derek li
6 min readFeb 10, 2023

The world of digital experience and the way we shop, learn and communicate has forever been changed in the world of new technologies. Younger audiences like Gen Z have embraced the new coming digital age in their search for meaningful and immersive experiences, and brands must adapt how they interact and connect with their approach. Even without the pandemic shaping how people can communicate and interact; digital and immersive experiences are the new expectation for modern audiences.

Did you know that 60% of Gen-Z favour VR in the future as it becomes more widespread, 80% want to work with cutting-edge technology and 54% appreciate brands that “connect with them in new and innovative ways”?

This speaks to marketers about the need for change in how they engage their audiences. It’s not enough to just speak and have them listen, the new generation wants to have an authentic mutual conversation and share their experiences. With the rise of new technologies, the way brands bring stories to life, and spread messages and campaigns just got put onto another level.

In fact, Snapchat’s 2021 Consumer AR Global Report state Gen Z and millennials are 71% more likely to use AR compared to older generations, with expected growth due to 5G accelerating AR technology adoption.

What is Virtual (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)?

Whilst having some different functions amongst each other, both reality-technologies aim to enhance or even replace a real-life environment with a simulated one. These rising technologies show potential in the future of many industries such as gaming, marketing, education and medical, enriching the experience of both the virtual and real worlds.

Augmented Reality aims to integrate the virtual world with elements of the real one, usually through generating live-streaming videos off the camera functions of devices like smartphones or tablets. These device screens are then overlaid with information, images or animation, which can include anything from diagnostic data, navigation instructions or inventory statistics.

Popular in the entertainment and gaming industries, a classic example would be Pokemon Go where players can scan their real-world surroundings to interact with virtual ‘pokemon’ around them.

Virtual Reality, on the other hand, relies on users wearing a headset device like the Oculus to substitute the real world for a virtual environment. The main concept is to completely remove the outside world and create an immersive simulated experience within a created one. This technology’s application is typically seen within gaming like lightsaber fights etc but can extend into other industries like employee training programs and test-flight simulations.

What this means for Gen Z

This AR/VR technology has the capability to help Gen Z make better decisions. With their hyper-connectivity due to social media, members are more likely to influence one another which can create trends in looks, clothing and tastes. With this new technology, Gen Zers can have tools to assist in their shopping choices, decision-making and even product recommendations. Whether it’s selecting food from a menu or picking clothes from a shop, data can be translated into digestible visuals and suggestions personalised for each user.

With this generation being more assertive and independent in their decision-making, AR/VR can play a critical role as a trusted tool to make the right decisions, in a world where all the information needed is at their fingertips.

“The creativity that we’ve seen develop around Gen Z has really manifested organically based on how they communicate with each other.” — Jeff Miller, Global Head of Business Marketing at Snap

With $143 Billion in buying power and born into the age of modern technology, these tech natives have grown a preference for mobile technology. This media consumption has created an appetite for visual communication and easily-readable information.

‘‘Visual communication is key for Gen Z, with 92% in the UK survey stating that they use some form of visual communication when messaging friends. Three in five (60%) state that they use visual communication to get a more personal connection, while 50% say they use digital avatars and Bitmojis to express themselves’’ — Perfomance Marketing World

It’s no surprise in the case of technology adoption, that TikTok’s ability to create user-generated content and tools for new dimensions of visual and audio content, completely disrupted the social media platform market. Whilst Instagram and Youtube let users see the visual and creative content other people put out, Snapchat and Tiktok push this further and lets you become the content in this virtual world.

With today’s average social-media advertisement lasting only ten seconds, it’s no surprise that the newer generation has adopted a much shorter attention span for visual content. In fact, according to Google’s Gen Z Trends and Insights 2021 report, Gen Zer’s attention span lasts 8 seconds compared to the past generation of Millenials with 12 seconds.

With AR & VR, user attention spans can be improved through less-evasive means where the real and virtual worlds merge into total immersion for users, appealing to Gen Z’s want for authentic experiences. With them watching twice as much visual content as older generations, visual content and communication are the way to go.

Gamification in VR has seen a tremendous boost in popularity like with the Metaverse where players are so immersed, they feel more like themselves there than in the real world. With such value towards mental health, a majority of Gen Zers feel like virtual worlds can destress them and remove the hectic nature of the outside world.

It’s no wonder how one’s confidence and enjoyment are boosted, as the stress of financial and social statuses in the real-world fades and people are put on an equal platform to be themselves. For Gen Z, gaming can be a great way for making friends and starting conversations in a more authentic and safer manner, just look at the popularity of VRchat for one.

These immersive experiences also help industries and brands create a more memorable and exciting brand experience audiences like in the 3D dining experience; Le Petit Chef, which launched this year. This show utilises 3d animation and projections to take guests on a captivating dining experience that immerses all senses. An animated french chef prepares a four-course meal in front of a guest, with animation showcasing the story behind each meal throughout. By utilising such technology in this experience, the brand is able to immerse all senses throughout the journey with emotive storytelling to encapsulate the viewer in this created world. This demonstrates the opportunity and power brands have through utilising immersive experiences to connect with the current generation.

The growing habits of Gen Z to create online communities, friends and experiences in the virtual world will push the development of new technology and hardware to create these experiences. Brands and marketers will need to keep innovating their strategies to meet the needs and habits of the newer generation. With such an affinity and love for media and technology, it’s no surprise Gen Z love using and building upon this technology. Only time will tell how this technology integrates into our lives; if you want to learn more, contact us for more information.

