I’m participating in #BuildSell30 — to grow and sell my side business in 30 days.

And I’m publicly documenting my journey on Twitter

Derick Sozo Ruiz
2 min readJan 17, 2022
Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash

BuildSell30 is a challenge where you build and sell an online business in 30 days after getting it to $100 MRR. I’ll participate in a customized version of this challenge.

I already have an online business called Freelancer's Handbook. It's a blog, community, and email newsletter focused on providing the best content and jobs to remote freelancers globally. It's currently doing $10,700.40 ARR. I documented many of the stats of the business on this Google Doc.

The current publicly available stats for Freelancer’s Handbook as of November 26th, 2021

In my version, I will grow Freelancer's Handbook for the next 30 days. I'm already listing it at $17,000 on Duuce. That's a very low price, given how fast the project is growing. Many interested sellers have already contacted me.

I’ll create new campaigns for the email newsletter. I’ll upload new posts to the blog. I’ll get more affiliate programs in place. I’ll also get the community into better shape. I’ll onboard a new moderator for the community and get more feedback from subscribers.

After these 30 days, I expect that ARR will increase. At that point, I'll list it on MicroAcquire. I'll also list the business on other marketplaces like Flippa and update the selling price on Duuce.

I'm going to document this journey on Twitter. If you're interested or have questions, my DMs are open.

Afterward, I'll post a recap article where I document everything that's happened and all the stats.

Let's get started.


On February 4th, 2022 I sold Freelancer’s Handbook via Duuce. The post below contains all the details

Derick Sozo Ruiz is a writer and web developer with 6+ years of fully remote professional experience; follow him here to get updates sent directly to your inbox.

His experience spans from the hospitality industry to the automation industry having had the privilege to work with companies like Hilton Hotels, IFTTT, Text Blaze (YC W21), Reframe (YC S21), and others. He built and sold RemoteLeads. He’s @dericksozo on Twitter.



Derick Sozo Ruiz

I help software startups reach more devs with technical content at Abundant.dev