Deron Freeman: A Journey from Adversity to Legal Excellence

Deron Freeman
3 min readApr 15, 2024


The Turning Point

Deron Freeman’s entrance into the world of law was marked by an unexpected event — the day his father, Donald Freeman, terminated his employment in 2005. Looking back, Deron acknowledges that his father’s decision was a pivotal moment that shaped his burgeoning legal career. “He really did it as a favor,” Deron recalls, reflecting on the conversation that took place in his father’s office at The Law Offices of Deron Freeman in Hartford. “He didn’t need an extra associate. He brought me in one day and said, ‘Listen, I can’t pay you anymore. Time for you to go out on your own.’ Initially, I was devastated.”

The Road to Independence

The termination turned out to be a blessing in disguise for Deron Freeman. It propelled him into the realm of entrepreneurship, ultimately leading to the establishment of his own firm. Departing from his father’s practice proved to be a career-defining move, significantly boosting Deron’s financial standing. “It was actually the best thing that ever happened to me,” Deron reflects. “I doubled my salary.”

Building a Successful Firm

Today, Deron Freeman presides over a thriving legal practice catering to approximately 1,200 clients. His firm, situated in the same building where his father practiced, specializes in criminal defense, civil litigation, personal injury, and various other legal matters. Deron’s journey from employee to entrepreneur underscores his resilience and determination in the business of law.

Family Influence and Legal Legacy

Deron Freeman’s passion for law runs in the family. As the second oldest child of Donald and the late Bertha Freeman, Deron Freeman grew up in a household where legal debates were settled Judge Judy-style. Donald Freeman, a seasoned attorney himself, served as the judge, encouraging his children to substantiate their arguments with evidence and logic.

A Natural Aptitude for Law

Deron’s affinity for law was evident early on. He breezed through law school with ease, attributing his success to a lifetime immersed in logical thinking and public speaking. Growing up in an intellectually curious environment, Deron Freeman developed a profound understanding of case law and courtroom dynamics, thanks to his upbringing.

Athletic Roots and Personal Resilience

Athleticism also played a significant role in Deron’s life. With a father who excelled in football and baseball, Deron Freeman harbored dreams of pursuing a career in baseball professionally. However, recognizing the importance of a backup plan, Deron pursued law as a viable alternative.

Motivated by Injustice

Deron’s drive to become an attorney was further fueled by personal experiences with racism and injustice during his youth. “I was called the n-word a lot,” Deron Freeman candidly reveals. “There was a kind of anger that grew inside me. I wanted to know how to protect myself legally.” Deron’s commitment to seeking justice and combating inequality stems from his upbringing in a family deeply rooted in civil rights activism

Deron Freeman

The Demands of Legal Practice

Life as an attorney is demanding, as Deron Freeman can attest. Balancing a bustling law practice with the responsibilities of parenthood is a daily challenge. Deron’s phone rings incessantly, and his days begin early and end late, reflecting the dedication required to excel in the legal profession.

In conclusion, Deron Freeman’s journey embodies resilience, familial influence, and a deep-seated commitment to justice. From overcoming adversity to carving his niche in the legal landscape, Deron’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring attorneys navigating the complexities of the legal world.



Deron Freeman

The Law Offices of Deron Freeman has flourished and grown into an establishment known for its customer relations