Creativity, Invention, Innovation

Derrick Johnson
1 min readJun 8, 2017


Hey all, my name is Derrick L. Johnson, apparently one of the many in our universe. I am an experienced analytical thought leader with extensive global experience, focused on synthesizing data into an actionable business strategy that solves tangible business problems. My core tools are databases, namely (SQL, NoSQL, Graph), and recently block-chain, along with some applied data mining (python), machine learning and information extraction techniques.

I bring this up because often times — technology searches for a business problem and churns until demonstrable proof of concepts can deliver a magnitude of value and become the defacto standard.

For the sake of discussion — that iterative solutioning is called innovation. Let’s explore the core definitions: Essentially creativity drives idea development and new technologies, invention applies these technologies to domain problem, and innovation applies proven inventive value, and makes it pervasive.

(1) Creativity — creates something interesting

(2) Invention — creates something useful

(3) Innovation — creates something so valuable that it is widely adopted, replacing the existing solution in a majority of appropriate use cases

