Published inCatharsis ChroniclesHuman ConnectionA simple encounter, even for a brief moment can stay with us, shape us and change the entire trajectory of our lives.Jan 232Jan 232
Published inThe Mad RiverDissonant RealityA tragic consequence of being gaslighted and isolated for perceiving a different truthJan 191Jan 191
Published inWrite Under the MoonEmpathetic DrowningAll the ways a person can feel overwhelmedJan 15Jan 15
Published inBlack Coffee PoetryPaperback PurgatoryRecognizing the interconnectedness of creation and consumption to truly appreciate a book, a piece of art, or even a human being requires a…Jan 147Jan 147
Published inWrite Under the MoonAll The False PurityA canvas posed as blank, dressed in whiteJan 6Jan 6
Published inCatharsis ChroniclesPre-HumanA return to a state before consciousness, before individualityJan 12Jan 12
Published inThe Mad RiverPainful HistoryA rewriter trying to bury the shadowy parts that always resurfaceDec 27, 20241Dec 27, 20241
Published inBlack Coffee PoetryThe Fat of KnowingYou can't look at the world the same way again after encountering gnosisDec 25, 20248Dec 25, 20248