The iPhone X: A Retrospective on Apple’s Game-Changer Seven-Years On

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4 min readJul 4, 2024


When Apple unveiled the iPhone X in late 2017, it was nothing short of revolutionary. Fast forward to 2024, and this device, now approaching its Seventh anniversary, continues to impress with its modern features and premium build. However, with the recent announcement of iOS 17, the iPhone X, along with the iPhone 8 and 8 Plus, will no longer receive major software updates, making iOS 16 its final operating system. Despite this, the iPhone X remains a remarkable piece of technology, beloved by many, including Josh from 91 Tech, who regards it as his favorite iPhone ever made.

A Design That Stood the Test of Time

One of the most striking aspects of the iPhone X is its design. With its edge-to-edge OLED display, stainless steel frame, and glass back, the phone exudes a premium feel that many modern smartphones still strive to emulate. The 5.8-inch Super Retina OLED display was the first of its kind on an iPhone, offering vibrant colors and deep blacks that make the screen pop. Even today, the display is breathtaking, proving that Apple’s decision to shift to OLED was a wise one.

The design of the iPhone X also marked the end of the home button era, introducing the controversial notch that housed the advanced Face ID technology. While the notch has become a staple in subsequent iPhone designs, it was a bold move at the time, setting a new standard for smartphones.

Performance That Holds Up

Powered by the A11 Bionic chip and equipped with 3GB of RAM, the iPhone X was a powerhouse in its heyday. Surprisingly, even six years later, the phone still performs admirably. iOS is known for its optimization, and this device is no exception. Whether it’s gaming, social media, streaming, or web browsing, the iPhone X handles tasks with ease, assuming it has a healthy battery.

Battery life, however, has been a common concern among iPhone X users. Originally, it wasn’t the phone’s strongest suit, and six years on, many users report significant degradation. For those with the original battery, this might be the biggest drawback of continuing to use the iPhone X. A battery replacement can breathe new life into the device, but it’s a factor worth considering for those contemplating an upgrade.

Camera Capabilities

The iPhone X was among the first iPhones to feature a dual-camera system, with two 12-megapixel sensors offering wide and telephoto lenses. Both lenses are optically stabilized, allowing for impressive photos and videos. While it may not match the capabilities of today’s top-tier smartphones, the iPhone X still delivers decent photo quality, especially in well-lit conditions. The lack of a night mode is noticeable, but for everyday photography, the iPhone X remains competent.

Video recording capabilities are another highlight, with the rear camera supporting 4K recording at 60 frames per second. This was groundbreaking at the time and still holds up well today, making the iPhone X a solid choice for capturing moments in high definition.

The End of an Era

With iOS 17, the iPhone X will no longer receive major software updates, marking the end of its journey in terms of new features. However, Apple’s commitment to security means that the device will continue to receive security updates for a couple more years. This ensures that the phone remains safe to use, even if it doesn’t have the latest iOS features.

For current iPhone X owners, now might be the ideal time to consider an upgrade. While the device still performs well, the lack of future updates and potential battery issues suggest that moving to a newer model could enhance the user experience. Models like the iPhone 11 or even the iPhone XR offer significant improvements in battery life, camera quality, and overall performance, along with the promise of future iOS updates.

A Lasting Legacy

The iPhone X was a milestone for Apple, representing a significant leap forward in smartphone design and technology. Its impact on the industry is undeniable, setting trends that continue to shape the smartphones of today. For those who have used the iPhone X since its launch, it’s fair to say they’ve gotten their money’s worth. This phone not only changed the smartphone landscape but also set a high bar for what a premium phone should be.

In conclusion, while the iPhone X may be reaching the end of its software support, its legacy lives on. It remains a beautiful, capable device that still feels relevant in 2023. For those ready to move on, newer iPhones offer exciting advancements, but the iPhone X will always be remembered as a pivotal moment in Apple’s history. Josh from 91 Tech sums it up well: “The iPhone X might just be my favorite iPhone ever made, and using it in 2023 doesn’t feel out of place at all, at least on the surface.”

