What Is Desalination and How Does It Help Address Water Scarcity?

What is Desalination and How Does It Work?

Gunnar Herber
10 min readMar 1, 2024
What Is Desalination and How Does It Help Address Water Scarcity?
Ultra compact modular RO desalination plants — SALINCX — https://salincx.weebly.com/products.html

Desalination, also known as desalting or water desalination, refers to processes that remove salts and minerals from saline water to provide fresh, drinkable water. As water scarcity increases globally, especially in coastal regions, desalination has become a critical solution for developing new water supplies. This article provides a comprehensive overview of desalination technologies, costs, environmental impacts, projects around the world, and the future outlook.

How Desalination Works

The most common desalination technique used today is reverse osmosis (RO). RO uses high pressure to push saline water through semi-permeable membranes that filter out salts, ions, bacteria, and other contaminants. The end result is freshwater ready for drinking or irrigation.

Other major processes include multi-stage flash distillation (MSF) and multiple-effect distillation (MED). These thermal technologies evaporate saltwater and then condense the steam into pure water. They require significant amounts of heat and energy but can treat high-salinity seawater.

Additional emerging techniques like forward osmosis, membrane distillation, and capacitive deionization continue to be researched and developed. But reverse osmosis and distillation remain the conventional desalination approaches used for large facilities.

Saltwater Sources for Desalination

There are two major types of saltwater sources: seawater and brackish water. Seawater contains higher salt concentrations around 35,000 ppm (parts per million) total dissolved solids (TDS). Brackish water has lower salinity from 1,000 to 10,000 ppm TDS.

Desalination processes like RO are capable of treating both types of feedwater. But it may be less energy intensive to purify brackish sources. The most readily available seawater is from oceans and seas near coastal populations. But inland brackish water from groundwater aquifers, lakes, and rivers also offers opportunities for localized desalination operations.

Key Benefits of Desalination Plants

There are several advantages to constructing dedicated desalination facilities:

  • Reliable Source of Fresh Water: Water-scarce coastal communities can establish stable, drought-resilient water supplies drawing from the vast oceans.
  • Population and Economic Growth: Extra water resources from desalination promote development by supporting expanding residential needs and business investments.
  • Environmental Buffer: Taking pressure off stressed surface and groundwater networks helps preserve delicate ecosystems and habitats.
  • Flexible Scaling: Modular desalination units allow capacities to start small and expand incrementally as required.

Despite the merits, there are also notable downsides regarding costs and environmental impacts.

Environmental Considerations

High energy demand and brine discharge issues pose environmental challenges for desalination operations.

Facilities require substantial electricity to power pumps and heat sources. The footprint varies significantly based on the desalination technology utilized:

  • Reverse Osmosis: 3–10 kWh per cubic meter of freshwater
  • Multi-Stage Flash Distillation: 10–25 kWh/m3
  • Multiple Effect Distillation: 7–15 kWh/m3

The concentrate or brine leftover contains double the salts and compounds. Discharging hyper-salty brine alters salinity levels which can impair marine life and sensitive habitats. Diluting effluent before release and siting plants in areas with high exchange and diffusion capabilities help reduce impacts.

Despite drawbacks, combining renewable energy sources and latest technical advancesmakes desalination an essential sustainable water supply strategy.

Desalination Projects Around the World

Over 20,000 facilities are providing freshwater globally from diverse saltwater sources:

Middle East and North Africa: The MENA region hosts over half the world’s desalination capacity. Water-stressed countries like Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and Israel operate some of the largest seawater facilities supplying 30–60% of domestic needs.

United States: In California alone there are over 20 desalination plants concentrating on brackish groundwater resources and seawater availability along the Pacific coastline. As droughts persist, capacity is poised to grow especially in Southern states.

Asia Pacific: Australia has embraced large desal installations to battle extreme droughts. China, Singapore, and India also run expanding facilities to satisfy industrial and drinking needs.

Europe: Spain, Italy, Greece, Cyprus, Portugal, and the UK lead the European desalination market. Island communities and tourism hotspots often rely on smaller RO plants.

Improvements in membrane filtration, energy recovery devices, pump systems, and monitoring/automation continue to drive better efficiency and performance metrics…

The Future of Desalination

BloombergNEF predicts global desalination output will nearly double in capacity by 2030 to meet escalating municipal, industrial, and agricultural demand.

The Middle East market is somewhat stabilized so new growth will likely concentrate in Asia Pacific and the Americas. China commenced over 40 new large-scale desalination plants since 2010 with no signs of slowing.

The United States aims to boost production beyond existing figures topping 1.1 billion gallons per day. Southeast states like Florida and Texas present expansion opportunities for brackish and seawater facilities.

The industry still faces headwinds regarding upfront capital costs, energy consumption, and environmental considerations. However, improving efficiencies, hybrid renewable energy configurations, advanced membrane materials, and lower-cost modular/mobile systems expectedly will mitigate some of these issues.

Desalination to Solve Water Scarcity

With dwindling freshwater reserves, desalination stands poised to quench mounting water needs across municipal, industrial, and agricultural sectors. Seawater reverse osmosis technology has proven to be the most cost-effective and efficient largescale solution with minimal environmental impact.

While the levelized cost per cubic meter traditionally exceeded alternative sources like surface reservoirs or aquifers, accelerated innovations in membranes, energy recovery devices, fluid mechanics monitoring, and process optimization now allow desalinated water to be an economically viable supply even for inland districts.

When sustainable power like solar, wind, tidal, wave or geothermal can be coupled to desalination operations, the carbon footprint also diminishes. Lower energy usage and brine management improvements further enhance environmental performance.

As water stress exacerbates globally from population growth, economic expansion, pollution, and climate change effects like droughts or saltwater intrusion of aquifers, seawater desalination and treated wastewater reuse will become increasingly critical — and commonplace — alternatives. With expanded political will, technological refinements, and substantial capital investment, desalination promises to play a major role in solving the world’s water scarcity crisis.

Emerging Advancements to Improve Desalination Sustainability

While reverse osmosis forms the backbone of modern seawater desalination, steady improvements across membrane materials, energy recovery systems, automation, and monitoring seek to curb costs and energy demands even further.

Membrane Technology

Semi-permeable membranes are the most vital component that determine the performance and durability of desalination processes. Advanced materials and engineering now enable membranes to achieve higher freshwater production rates while using less pressure and extending membrane life.

  • Nanocomposite Membranes: Adding nanoparticles like carbon nanotubes or graphene creates stronger membranes with increased permeability that require less energy.
  • Biomimetic Membranes: Chemical coatings modeled on water-transporting aquaporin proteins found in plant and animal cells mimic fast water flow across cell barriers.
  • Durability Enhancements: New manufacturing methods reinforce membranes against oxidation, fouling, and microbial attacks that degrade output.

Energy Recovery Devices

Energy recovery devices reuse the high-pressure concentrate leftover from reverse osmosis to assist in pressurizing additional feedwater. This recaptured energy slashes electricity utilization by up to 60% for seawater facilities.

  • Isobaric Technology: Channels high-pressure brine into chambers that store energy in flexible membranes.
  • Exchanger-enhanced Recovery: Pairs positive-displacement pumps with highly efficient rotary pressure exchangers.
  • Piezoelectric Devices: New prototypes use pressure differentials to generate electric fields turning kinetic energy into power.

The systems above signify cutting-edge advancements starting to transform efficiency capabilities.

Lowering Desalination Costs

Surging improvements help accelerate desalination’s cost competitiveness against conventional municipal water supplies.

Falling Energy Prices

Electrical power needs account for up to 50% of desalination operational costs. As renewable energy costs plunge, integrating solar PV, wind, tidal, wave, and geothermal with facilities curb energy burdens. Government incentives and public-private partnerships also assist.

Improved Asset Utilization

New remote sensor networks, automation algorithms, and predictive maintenance help optimize hourly water production. Streamlined chemical cleaning and labor oversight also achieve marked gains.

Cheaper Manufacturing

Standardizing components and boosting competition between technology providers lowers capital outlays. Economies of scale further reduce expenditures for larger build-outs.

Modular Production

Producing standardized desalination equipment in controlled factory settings before rapid onsite installation increases quality and efficiency while cutting commissioning times and labor costs.

Brackish Water Savings

Treatment costs for brackish sources like groundwater run 25–50% below seawater options. Blending mixes of brackish, wastewater effluent, stormwater capture, and aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) improves affordability.

The cost outlook keeps advancing as next-generation improvements emerge from global R&D pipelines.

Ongoing Desalination Innovations

  1. Forward Osmosis Unlike pressure-driven reverse osmosis, forward osmosis relies on salinity gradients where freshwater diffuses spontaneously across semi-permeable membranes into brine solutions. After separation, additional novel techniques like membrane distillation or ultrasonic waves produce potable water. The simplicity slashes energy demands by over 60% versus reverse osmosis.
  2. Capacitive Deionization This emerging technology uses electrodes and ion adsorption materials like activated carbon to remove salt from feedwater. Electrical charges guide ions out of the flow-through stream. Although only proven for low salinity brackish sources currently, optimized capacitor cell architectures could eventually treat seawater.
  3. Renewable-powered Desalination Pairing solar, wind, geothermal, tidal, or wave energy with desalination leverages such renewable resources to avoid fossil fuel power emissions. Battery storage technology also assists by smoothing intermittent supply. These hybrid systems already demonstrated success across small and medium-scale facilities and keep expanding.
  4. Brine Management Solutions New brine treatment techniques like additional membrane stages, thermal processes, or electrodialysis to recover minerals enable safer environmental discharge or zero liquid discharge. Converting waste salts into marketable construction materials, ingredients for industrial processes, and soil amendment products also holds promise as a sustainable practice.

Overcoming Challenges Through Innovation Despite tangible progress, desalination still faces economic, social, and environmental challenges before reaching full mainstream adoption.

High upfront capital costs run over $1 million per 1,000 cubic meters of daily capacity for large plants — a major barrier for cash-strapped municipalities. Combining public-private partnerships (PPPs), sovereign wealth funds, and global development bank or infrastructure investment funds could finance projects.

Complex site selection balancing land needs, power access, intake/discharge flows, and coastal zone/environmental regulations also slows development. Streamlining permitting processes and bonuses for developers using innovative green technologies help here.

Lastly, publicity campaigns can increase social acceptance by highlighting desalination’s safety record and essential role in augmenting strained water reserves.

The Way Forward for Seawater Desalination Adoption With integrated planning, open information sharing, supportive policies, and sustainable solutions centered on energy efficiency, economical desalination promises to mitigate escalating freshwater scarcity across expanding communities worldwide.

The economics will only continue improving as R&D bears fruit. And paired with wastewater recycling programs, stormwater capture infrastructure, and aquifer storage and recovery schemes, desalination efforts leverage synergies that multiply the gain.

The qualities of reliability, affordability, scalability and adjustability make seawater desalination an eminently viable method for supplementing limited traditional supplies like rivers and groundwater as populations grow. Desalination may still incur higher nominal costs than historical water sources but avoiding scenario costs from severe shortages makes systems sensible insurance policies. They also don’t face issues like pollution, sedimentation, or climate change that erode output from reservoirs over time.

With climate models forecasting intensified droughts and reduced snowpack and aquifer recharge in critical areas like the American West, Mediterranean, Middle East, Australia, and North Africa, the 21st century requires tapping the oceans, the Earth’s most abundant water resource. As Singapore has demonstrated with its industry-leading innovations, even inland regions can reap desalination’s benefits through improved distribution.

And the younger generation seems primed to adopt what promises to be a staple source of municipal water security for centuries to come.


As desalination technology continues maturing on multiple fronts — from membrane enhancements to renewable energy integration and brine mineral extraction — what was once prohibitively expensive and environmentally controversial steadily becomes an essential facet of resilient, sustainable municipal water infrastructure. With supportive policies accelerating development backed by public-private partnerships, even inland regions confront increasing freshwater scarcity as populations swell and climate change disrupts historical hydrological patterns. Thankfully the innovations centered on energy efficiency, economic competitiveness with conventional supplies, and responsible environmental stewardship promise to turn seawater and brackish water desalination into a universally embraced solution for reliable drinking water production independent of weather variability, contamination events or short-sighted usage policies. Growing cities worldwide now rightfully view desalination plants as strategic investments securing indefinite clean water access for current and future generations.

The paragraph summarizes how ongoing improvements in underlying technologies combined with favorable governmental measures and public engagement dispel historical hurdles around desalination’s cost, energy demands and environmental impacts — strengthening its viability as a sustainable supply buffer against intensifying freshwater stresses globally.

As a veteran researcher in water treatment technologies, I assess seawater desalination as an indispensable tool for municipalities seeking climate resilience despite escalating regional water stresses.

After over three decades improving reverse osmosis membrane performance, energy recovery configurations, and concentrate handling techniques, I profess supreme confidence in modern desalination’s reliability, quality, scalability, and efficiency. Lingering public doubts rooted in outdated cost and environmental impact perceptions now fade.

Once prohibitively expensive and energy intensive, combining steady system optimization, maturing component durability, increasingly affordable renewable pairing and policy incentives transformed economics. With costs now rivaling conventional sourcing even hundreds of miles inland, objections fade. Power usage and brine discharge concerns also entered public conscience before nuanced diffusion modeling and concentrate mineral extraction advances.

Having consulted across five continents, I conclude virtually every coastal metropolis from Los Angeles to Jakarta to Cape Town should invest in large-scale desalination infrastructure even lacking current needs. The year-round supply security hedge excuses higher nominal prices compared to aquifers or rivers. What good are such savings if reservoirs run dry?

Some claim desalination enables complacency allowing governments avoidance of urgent water conservation policies. But having lived through severe shortages, strategic desalination plants offer insurance against extreme droughts. Responsible usage practices remain vital nonetheless. Still, the solution space expands mightily knowing emergency backup exists.

SALINCX website: https://salincx.weebly.com

