A personal perspective on the 2016 election: A four part series of unfortunate events.

DeSean Blackwell
6 min readNov 11, 2016


The end of an era

I woke up on Nov 9th at 5:30 AM (it should be referred to as black Wednesday, history should remember me 20 years from now), hours after election night, hours after I turned the television off in disgust as I watched Clinton’s leads slip in both Michigan and Pennsylvania. I remember the look of deadness in the eyes of Rachel Maddow and the rest of the MSNBC news anchors summing up my feelings Expert panelists spent most of the trying to fathom as to why this is happening. I watched as James Carville slowly wished he could travel back in time to 1992. The scene in New York was much worse, what was supposed to be a coronation of a 30-year career in politics was filled with dread and disappointment. I watched as her supporters cried, with their red eyes, looking like my fellow Tarheels fans after Carolina lost to Villanova via a 3 point buzzer beater by Kris Jenkins.

*sigh* Fuck 2016

Instead of a 6’6” junior small forward snatching their souls while they’re still awake to feel their hearts slowly stomped on, it was a big fat, small hand, orange face goblin, who hides in female locker rooms with his small hands to reach out and touch them when they least expect it.

Trump is ready to grab America by it’s pussy and finger it whether it wants it or not. No Seriously fuck 2016

To be honest I actually had a dream that Clinton won, that she came from behind and managed to squeak out a win and history had been made! Instead, reality sat in as I saw an alert on my cell that stated Trump had 276 electoral college votes. A Huffington Post headline literally said America elected a man who said grab them by the pussy. From that moment on I went through the 5 stages of grief before finally accepting that the asshole had won, reinforcing the idea that as long as you’re a rich 70-year-old white guy you too can become President with no prior experience, despite being openly racist and sexist, you’ll get away with it for being old and white. “Oh that’s just Donald Trump being Donald Trump” I’m sure Ted Cruz is sitting somewhere wishing he was 20 years older.

The moment when Ted Cruz died inside and became a human shell. Credit to Slate for this amazing photo.

I reluctantly visited Facebook still upset, reading posts from friends and family expressing shock, anger, fear and dismay, a friend of mine told me she was already checking on her retirement, others who voted for Trump were either eerily silent or kept saying let bygones be bygones and that it was time for peace the same people who disrespected President Obama and yelled that Hillary was really an evil killer who sent four men to Benghazi to die and laughed at a 12-year-old girl who was raped and who posted memes about Killary cheating in debates and OMG she’s pro-choice and supports partial birth abortions she’s a baby killer! They were now offering to extend an olive branch and telling all us haters to give Trump a chance for at least a year or two…. ok….three no wait four, he’ll need four definitely four years possibly four more after that. While I always vocally expressed my displeasure on Trump it was always fact based, no internet memes about how he may or may not have done something, it dealt with his real lawsuits, stories from those who have worked with him and known him, his failed businesses, his bankruptcies, his discrimination lawsuits, words from his own mouth in the last 10 years. Yet I was referred to as a sheep multiple times and a puppet of the media, someone called me a thug, another insult was that I was a cop hating asshole because I support the black lives matter movement, a pussy liberal who failed to see that Clinton was a lying bitch, a corrupt murderer who deserved to go to prison for deleting emails.

So here’s a quick background about my voting record I first voted in the 04’ election at the age of 19 for John Kerry, I voted against Hillary Clinton in 08' in the primaries in favor of Barack Obama, I obviously voted for Obama in both the 2008 and 2012 elections and I voted for Bernie Sanders in the NC primaries. I consider myself a progressive Liberal, while I wasn’t a hardcore Clinton hater, I admit that I bought into the attitude and thought process of Clinton being untrustworthy and how she was a career politician who did nothing etc…Once Clinton won the nomination I figured she was the lesser of two evils and I would support her unlike the “Bernie or Bust” folks or the so-called progressives who expressed the idea of supporting Jill Stein, Gary Johnson or even Donald Trump himself, I figured it wasn’t the worth the risk of a Trump Presidency and Clinton could be pressured into making sure progressive legislation, as well as the Supreme Court being too important to lose. Over time I started to warm up to Clinton, maybe it was the good feelings of the Democratic National Convention, the excellent speeches from both Michelle and Barack Obama, seeing the young rising stars of the party, seeing Tim Kaine be the lovable TV uncle who appears on CBS every Tuesday nights, Bill Clinton’s heartwarming speech about his wife and even Hillary Clinton capping it off with a really good speech herself, the entire week was dipped in the power of positivity. Let’s just say between the dates of July 25th-July 28th, I developed diabetes watching that convention.

Dammit those blood sugar levels are rising again.

Whatever it was I bought into it, I decided to study up on her actual policies and the things she accomplished as a Senator in New York. Bills proposed, legislation she managed to pass, her voting record, her rebuttals, even if I didn’t agree with everything she said or did, none of it was a deal breaker and I at least understood where she was coming from but more on that later.

Yes, Jericho, I get IT now

So this is the end of an era, a 30-year career that should have led to the first female President, the Clinton’s are more than likely done with politics and being in the spotlight after leaving her position as Secretary of State Clinton had expressed desired to retire. I can’t see her being a surrogate or even speaking at a convention on behalf of a future candidate. As a 31-year-old black male, the Clinton’s have been a part of politics my entire lifetime and it’ll be weird not to see them around anymore.

As a result I wanted to have an partially unbiased view (as unbiased as I can be) at the political career of Hillary Clinton starting with her childhood, her becoming First Lady, her time in the Senate and her tenure as Secretary of State and how everything in between may have shaped her to become who she is and how in end it may have cost her the election as well as my own personal stories dealing with election craziness and the stupidity and ignorance I dealt with the last year and a half or I’ll just quit halfway and never finish because I think my writing sucks and it’s time to pursue a new career path. First things first, I have to remove the strings coming from my body, it’s hard to type when the Jewish liberal media is controlling me



DeSean Blackwell

Aspiring writer, recent US Coast Guard veteran, son, brother, uncle, graduate student, blerd