Reimagining the Post45 Website

5 min readAug 19, 2023


This is an article about a redesign of Post45, a journal website. To get first-hand experience you can check the Figma file.

As a philosophy student and an avid listener of the “Overthink” podcast, my interest was piqued when I saw one of the hosts share a link to her writings on social media. Being a philosophy enthusiast, I’m always intrigued by how different individuals structure their essays and present their ideas. But my inner designer couldn’t handle what my eyes were witnessing. The website’s design was straight-up tragic. And just like that, the game flipped. I had a mission, a purpose — to give the website the visual swag it truly deserved. Over the course of two days, on August 18th and 19th, 2023, I started redesigning the homepage of the website, with hopes of extending my efforts to a full-scale redesign if my initiative gained traction.

In my exploration of the existing website, I encountered a range of pressing issues that significantly impacted its usability and overall user experience.

  • The lack of a clear and intuitive navigation system hindered effortless movement throughout the site.
  • Moreover, the website’s design was outdated and visually unappealing, deterring users from engaging with its content.
  • Key elements like the RSS feed, while present, posed confusion and complexity.
  • The small search bar in the corner made content discovery a challenging task.
  • One of the most crucial issues was the website’s failure to effectively communicate its purpose, mission, and features. This not only created confusion for new visitors but also led to missed opportunities for user engagement, such as subscribing to the newsletter or exploring related content.

Given these substantial problems, defining the problem statement was of utmost importance. It enabled me to clearly articulate the shortcomings of the existing design and align them with user needs and expectations. This understanding guided my redesign efforts, ensuring that the new design would address these issues comprehensively.

Here’s how I transformed the website:

Understanding that a substantial portion of the users visits the website for reading purposes, I opted for a dark user interface with large fonts for a comfortable reading experience. I chose the Product Sans font for its modern, minimalist, and crisp appearance, ensuring readability remained a top priority.

Recognizing the irrelevance of the RSS feed and the need for seamless navigation, I streamlined the menu. I retained essential sections like “About” and “Submissions,” ensuring a clear user journey and easy exploration.

To encourage effortless content discovery, I introduced a full-width search bar with animated topic suggestions. The intention was to make research and navigation a breeze while underscoring the website’s primary focus on journals.

❤️the dot animation in the header.

I incorporated a full-screen banner to convey important notifications and upcoming events upfront. Sections like “Journals” and “Contemporaries” were revamped with distinct visual cues and concise descriptions, contributing to a smoother user experience.

Recognizing the significance of the podcast, I positioned it prominently on the homepage. The latest episodes were showcased, complete with titles, release dates, and durations.

Podcast section

To foster greater user interaction, I introduced a “Submit” section and a dedicated space for newsletter signups. This move aimed to make these actions easily accessible from the homepage, promoting user engagement.

To elevate the website’s visual appeal, I incorporated accent colours from the previous branding. Furthermore, I introduced micro-interactions to enhance the user experience, adding a dynamic touch to the browsing journey.

Super happy about these micro-interactions 😊

While I managed to tackle numerous design challenges and implement substantial improvements, time constraints prevented me from addressing every aspect of the website. Given more time, I would have concentrated on enhancing responsiveness and extending the design to cover the remaining pages.

Busy in the pixels😎

And let’s be real, I skipped wireframes and info architecture. I had the blueprint in my head from the hours I spent dissecting the old website.

So, that’s the scoop, my friends. From philosophy vibes to design game, I gave the Post45 website a whole new groove. It was not just about aesthetics; it was about creating an experience that philosophy heads will vibe with. The home page’s done — time to see if they’re ready to rock the redesign journey. And if they’re in, I’m all in. Hustle on! 💥🔥

Here’s a before and after:

Before (L), After ( R)

You can follow me here: Twitter (now x) and LinkedIn

Thank you for reading this far. Stay hydrated and keep an eye out for more intriguing content coming soon.




A highly curious human being obsessed with solving problems and making things more efficient and effective through design and technology.