Maximizing Your Product Potential with the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Brainstorming Method

Andrew & Christine - DesignACE
11 min readMar 29, 2023

Have you ever felt stuck as a product manager, wondering how to enhance your products or keep up with customer needs? Innovating and improving constantly can be challenging, but a powerful tool can help: S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming. Use this technique to look at your product from a different perspective while identifying opportunities for improvement, developing new products, and increasing your product’s potential.

This article will explore the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming model in depth, including how and when to use it effectively with your team. Use our free template to get started and dive in to unlock your product’s full potential.

Understanding S.C.A.M.P.E.R.

To fully understand the power of the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming model, it’s essential to break down each element. S.C.A.M.P.E.R. is an acronym for Substitute, Combine, Add, Modify, Put to another use, Eliminate, Rearrange, and Simplify. Each component represents a different way of thinking about your product and how you can improve it.

  • Substitute encourages you to consider what you could replace in your product with something else.
  • Combine pushes you to merge different features or elements to create something new.
  • Adapt challenges to brainstorm additional parts or functionalities to integrate into your product.
  • Modify have you questioned how you could adjust or alter existing features?
  • Put to another use encourages you to think beyond the initial purpose of your product and consider how you can use it in new ways.
  • Eliminate pushes you to think about what elements of your product are unnecessary and could be removed.
  • Rearrange helps you consider how to reorder different aspects of your product to create a new or optimized experience for your user.

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By breaking down the elements of S.C.A.M.P.E.R., it becomes clear that this brainstorming technique is an exceptionally effective tool for product development. Encouraging diverse ways of thinking about your product using the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. prompts allows you and your team to unlock its full potential and create innovative solutions you might have yet to think of.

Teamwork and collaboration are crucial components of S.C.A.M.P.E.R. effectively. When working in a team, it’s essential to encourage everyone to share their ideas and perspectives. Each team member’s unique viewpoint can spark new ideas and insights. In addition, working collaboratively allows you to build on each other’s ideas and develop a more robust product.

In the next section, we’ll dive deeper into the importance of teamwork and collaboration when using S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Teamwork and collaboration are vital when using S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming to maximize your product potential. Ideas can come from anyone in the team, whether big or small, and each team member plays a critical role in developing a successful product. Encouraging each person to contribute their insights can spark new concepts that may have been overlooked. By working together, you can build upon each other’s ideas, eliminate flaws, and enhance the effectiveness and usefulness of your product for your users. A collaborative approach ensures everyone is on the same page and that your team works efficiently to achieve the best possible outcome.

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Maximizing Your Product’s Potential with S.C.A.M.P.E.R.

When maximizing your product potential with S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming, there are a few fundamental principles to remember. Firstly, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience and what their needs are. Then, please start with the end user in mind; you can tailor your product to their specific wants and desires, increasing sales and customer satisfaction. Finally, remember you are not always the user, and using models such as this one helps you walk a mile in your users’ shoes and make better design decisions.

Secondly, remaining innovative and open-minded throughout the brainstorming process is crucial. With so many different prompts, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut or rely on the same ideas repeatedly. However, by keeping an open mind and embracing new ideas, you can uncover fresh opportunities you may have overlooked. This is especially useful in reducing unconscious bias and ensuring your assumptions about the features and experience are valid.

Finally, staying organized and focused throughout the brainstorming process is crucial. With so many different ideas being generated, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and lose sight of your end goal., Staying organized and focused ensures that each idea is carefully evaluated and considered, leading to a more effective and successful end product and a more cohesive, dynamic team.

In the next section, we’ll discuss the importance of substitution and how it can help you unlock even more potential in your product.

Substitute Prompt: What can be replaced?

To truly maximize the potential of your product, you need to think beyond the obvious solutions. That’s where substitution comes in. By asking yourself, “what can be replaced?” you open up new possibilities to improve your product in unexpected ways.

Substitution can often lead to cost savings, improved functionality, or increased appeal to your target audience.

Consider any replacement carefully through proper evaluation to ensure it aligns with your end goal and doesn’t compromise quality or performance. Make sure it would be valuable to the user or experience and that you have proof points and data to support the idea. Consider swapping out any materials, processes, or features for something better or something needed.

Substitution Example

Say you want to sell an existing product you market to adults to a new market, like school-aged children. What materials do you substitute or change to make it safer or more appealing to kids? For example, are you switching from glass to plastic to make it more durable? Will you switch out small pieces that could be a choking hazard?

If switching is not the right approach, never fear; you should then consider what you can combine to make your product even more enticing to customers.

Combine Prompt: How can we make this product a twofer?

You can make the most of the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming technique by keeping a clear focus and evaluating each substitution carefully. Substitution is one of many ways to maximize your product’s potential. Therefore, another fundamental principle is a combination. By asking, “how can we make this product a twofer?” you can explore ways to create additional value for customers.

Combining features, functions, or even products can create a more comprehensive and appealing solution that meets multiple needs simultaneously. Consider what other complimentary products or features you could add to the offering to make it more appealing to your target audience.

This approach can help you stand out from your competitors and provide unique value to your customers.

Combination Example

Commuter trains know that their target audience is often travelling professionals, so to make their trip more relevant, more trains now offer free wifi, so people can be productive as they ride the rails to work and back. They can also pre-book seats in “quiet zones” to maximize productivity during their journey.

And if you need help developing ideas for combinations, don’t worry — the following principle, adaptation, will give you plenty of options to explore.

Adapt Prompt: What can be added?

Another way to maximize your product’s potential is through adaptation. This principle involves asking your team, “What net new things can be added to add even more value?” and exploring ways to enhance your product with new features, functionality, or accessories.

By adapting your product to meet evolving customer needs or preferences, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure that your product remains relevant and valuable.

Adapting can also open up new market segments and opportunities for growth beyond your niche.

Adapting Example

Look no further than the phone in your pocket. What was once just a phone is now a camera, computer, G.P.S., matchmaker, and a combination of so many things that most people can’t leave the house without it in hand.

And if you struggle to come up with ideas, the following principle, modify, will give you even more options to consider.

Modify Prompt: What can be changed, made bigger or smaller?

One effective way to maximize the potential of your product is to explore ways to modify it. This principle is about asking the question prompt, “What can be changed, made bigger or smaller?” and considering how to tweak your product’s design or functionality to better meet your customers’ needs.

Modifying involves adding or removing features, changing materials, or altering the product’s size or dimensions. By thinking outside the box and being willing to make changes, you can unlock new potential for your product.

It would be best to modify based on customer feedback or market trends. Then, you can create a product that stands out from the competition and appeals to a broader audience addition; modifying your product can help you tap into new market segments or niches.

Modifying Example

The toothpaste tubes used to have a tiny opening of 5mm. Making the hole bigger to 6mm increases the amount of toothpaste you get for each squirt on the brush by 40%. Unfortunately, this means people use the tubes faster and must buy more.

If you’re having trouble developing ideas for modifications, don’t worry — the principle, “Put to another use,” will provide even more inspiration.

Put to Another Use Prompt: Could something be used differently?

Another way to maximize your product’s potential is by considering how you could put it to another use. This principle encourages you to think creatively about your product’s capabilities and potential applications.

When using the “put to another use” principle, thinking outside the box and considering unconventional uses for your product is essential.

This is where brainstorming can be exciting and fun for the team. There are no bad ideas; you can work backwards from “pie-in-the-sky” ideas, finding value in even the most outrageous ideas. You might even discover a new market niche that hasn’t been explored. This principle benefits startups or companies looking to expand into new markets.

By putting your product to another user, you may also discover new opportunities for innovation or improvements.

Put to Another Use Example

A company that sells reusable water bottles could modify their product to appeal to coffee drinkers by adding a cap that keeps beverages hot for longer. By approaching their product from a different angle, they created a new and innovative product that appealed to another market segment.

If adding a feature is not yielding results, consider the opposite approach. How could eliminating features revolutionize your product?

Eliminate/Minimize Prompt: What can be taken away or simplified?

When thinking about maximizing the potential of your product, it’s essential to consider what could be taken away or simplified. Sometimes, less is more, and removing specific features can improve your product’s appeal to a broader audience.

A minimalist design could mean eliminating unnecessary buttons or streamlining the user interface.

In addition to appealing to new markets, eliminating or simplifying features can reduce production costs and streamline your manufacturing process. Minimalist designs can lead to increased efficiency and a more profitable bottom line.

Elimination/Minimalist Example

One company that successfully implemented this strategy is Apple, known for its sleek and minimalist designs. By eliminating excess features and focusing on a clean and simple aesthetic, Apple captured the attention of consumers who valued the ease of use and a more refined look.

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By asking, “What can be taken away or simplified?” during the Elimate/minimalize brainstorming process, you may unexpectedly uncover opportunities to improve your product.

Reverse, Reengineer or Rearrange Prompt: What could happen if you switch things around?

During the brainstorming process, it’s essential to consider what can be added or changed and what can be removed or simplified. However, another critical approach asks, “What could happen if you switch things around?”

This principle of reverse reengineering can help you identify new possibilities for your product. By looking at your product from a different perspective, you may discover ways to innovate and enhance its functionality.

By following this step and incorporating the reverse, reengineer, or rearrange approach, you can maximize your product’s potential and achieve tremendous success in the market.

Reverse, Reengineer or Rearrange Example

Movie theatres have rearranged the classic dinner & a movie date by adding full-service offers where the movie goes can order full meals and beverages right to their recliner seats. This premium offering has rearranged a classic night out and made their cinemas a one-stop location for everything patrons need on their date night.

We created a free S.C.A.M.P.E.R. template for PDF and digital whiteboards to simplify brainstorming.

Free S.C.A.M.P.E.R. Template for PDF and Digital Whiteboard

To make the brainstorming process more accessible, you can use a template to guide you through the different elements of this approach. Our S.C.A.M.P.E.R. template is free to download as a PDF or digital whiteboard. This template features a clear and organized layout that makes it easy to go through each step of the SCAMPER process. In addition, this template lets you focus on generating ideas and exploring different angles to improve your product.

Get your free S.C.A.M.P.E.R. template here.

We made this S.C.A.M.P.E.R. template versatile so you can use it for different products or projects.

Whether working on a physical or digital product, the S.C.A.M.P.E.R. template can help you develop fresh ideas and approaches. Additionally, the digital whiteboard version of the template can be shared with your team members or collaborators, making it easy to work together and brainstorm in real time.

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In conclusion, S.C.A.M.P.E.R. brainstorming is a powerful tool to help product managers maximize their potential. Using this framework, you can identify new opportunities, enhance features, and develop innovative products that meet customer needs. Remember to approach brainstorming with empathy and human-centred design principles, and work collaboratively with your team to achieve the best results possible. As the saying goes, “innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower,”

Using S.C.A.M.P.E.R. can ensure that you are always leading the way. So, go ahead, try out this technique, and discover the endless possibilities that await you and your products.

Originally published at on March 29, 2023.

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Andrew & Christine - DesignACE

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