Reflections 2020

Ali Davies
6 min readDec 26, 2020


Reflecting is a way I check on my ‘why’, or my purpose. Why am I doing this? Whats important to me? What do I need to do to make my experience of life better? 2020 pivoted humans radically, and navigating the global and environmental impact continues, but personally it was a year of conquering an equal dose of internal and external challenges.

In a nutshell here’s what 2020 looked like for me.


Moving to our new home in the Waitakere ranges gave us much needed space and tranquility. We were also closer to one of my favourite beaches, Bethells Beach. The right space gives you confidence and clarity.

Our dedicated work space with its own patio and the beach nearby.


I worked after hours to create a new range of pouches and napkins on my website. (Made in New Zealand by the way). I also received samples of a new product, which is always thoroughly exciting and invigorating. Seeing my ideas and work come to life after a long time is one of those ‘reward’ moments. Artistic gratification.

The clever people in Auckland that sew my products.


As Marketing Manager, I had fun with the composition of a staff photo at New Zealand Opera which I have worked full time for since beginning 2020. Again this was a moment of artistic gratification. Little did we know we would be spending a chunk of the year in our own homes with postponed and cancelled shows. From togetherness to isolation.

The set up, then the end result of a group photo. I’m bottom left as needed to jump up and down during the shoot. New Zealand Opera. Photo; Michael Bradley.


It’s a struggle to have the time to sketch, but I do try. Here’s some ideas I am playing around with that I did in between work and family life during lockdown. A little bit often, makes a lot.

A watercolour sketch and a play with colour on one of my textile prints which will be turned into a silk scarf design.


We all know what this was like, and for many it is still the reality. I ate more than I needed to, but staying at home suited my introverted self just fine. As I mentioned at the beginning, the move to the new house was fortuitous, each person of the family had their own space, a peaceful environment where the birds knew no different. One highlight for me was Bob Dylan’s release of Murder Most Foul. This happened the day after New Zealand went into Level 4 lockdown. It was like a gift (the song I mean). Was a hard act to follow, second to none.

Teddy bears became the symbol of solidarity in New Zealand during the pandemic, as did kindness — see here honey and apple jelly for all residents in our valley as a gift from another resident.


After many months, I completed my listings for launching my tea towels onto Amazon so they are available to US customers without expensive shipping costs. I also became a little creative and took some still life shots just to please myself. For some this process may be easy but for a newbie with no experience, it was a challenge. Anyway I’m super proud they are there and I took some great product shots as a result. Persistance.


As soon as New Zealand came out of Level 4 and into Level 2 restrictions, my husband recorded his first album. I was also able to make another photographic composition, this time with only 5 people. The John Davies Band, for their upcoming launch of debut album titled ‘Let’s Ride’(2021). This is another ongoing project of honing my skills as a band manager. Say yes to new challenges.

The John Davies Band, left to right- Thomas Jones, John G Davies, Valda Anne Shadbolt, Aymee Jones, Max Easey. Photo: Grant Triplow


I’m so grateful and encouraged when people use my fabric to make something of their own. By day I’m one thing but my love of making beautiful fabric never leaves and I am working towards returning to that occupation full time. Nothing of value happens overnight.

A window seat at a beach house, lampshades and phone pouch made from a tea towel.


After staying in one city most of the year, travelling out to another place is significant enough to deserve a title of its own. A trip to Mt Taranaki, near New Plymouth to celebrate my mothers 75th birthday was a memorable adventure for all. Go to remote places as often as you can.

Myself and husband John on Mt Taranaki.


As mentioned earlier, my husband John’s debut album. We had a fleeting moment in Wellington at Unity Books where he performed one of the songs from the album with lyrics written by Alan Brunton as part of a book launch for Martin Edmond titled ‘Bus Stops on The Moon’, also of Red Mole Theatre. I’m super proud of this project, and of the band. Music is love.

John G Davies. Unity Book Shop, Wellington, New Zealand.


Was yesterday. Greetings to the Season!

Recently, I engaged some help with marketing my own business and am thrilled to have created these wonderful images of some of my designs. Here’s a shot we used for a Christmas campaign. Based on my years of using fabric as wrapping called ‘furoshiki’ in Japan. Gifts from the heart.

Patterns of New Zealand range of tea towels by Ali Davies. Photo: Kelly Reeve Photography.


So looking back, I had times where I fell off the ‘wagon’, but I got back up again and made extra effort towards my dreams. This is not a life filled with having no problems, rather it is one where I can keep moving forward regardless of the challenges that make it difficult. The smoothest times psychologically this year was when I diligently carried out my buddhist practice. Each day I made the conscious effort to pray for my well being, that of others, and a way forward to achieving my goals and overcoming my problems. This meant that every morning I reminded myself of my purpose and was able to take action based off a sense of clarity and confidence and higher life state. You can achieve more than you imagine when your life state is positive and clear. I can honestly say I don’t feel the dark feeling of regret. I definitely want to try harder this year and see results of my work but I know, yes, I’m on the right path. Live with intention.

Thank you for reading.



Ali Davies

Live Creatively, Celebrate Life. I’m a conscious marketer, artist and business owner. I seek to inspire others and to be inspired by others.