A food tracker for somebody that hates technology and has never tracked their food intake

Food tracker app — #57 UX Case Study

DesignTalks - Digital Agency
5 min readNov 3, 2023

Creating a food tracker for individuals who don’t like technology and have never tracked their food is hard. It needs a user-friendly way. This case study shows how to design a simple and easy food tracking solution that works for users who are not good with technology.

Problem Statement

Many individuals who are not good with technology and have never tracked their food may find it hard to use digital food tracking solutions. They may think they are too complicated and too nosy.

Pain points

  1. Technological Discomfort: Users who dislike technology often find normal food tracking apps hard and scary to use.
  2. Data Entry Complexity: Traditional food trackers require detailed data input, such as nutritional information, which can be confusing and time-consuming.
  3. Intrusive Notifications: Some users think constant reminders and notifications from food tracking apps are annoying and disturbing.
  4. Limited Privacy Control: Users may worry about what happens to their personal food data, making them feel unsafe and insecure.
  5. Unintuitive User Interfaces: Normal food tracking apps often have hard user interfaces with a lot of words, which can be scary for those who don’t know technology well.
  6. Lack of Personalization: Many food tracking apps can’t give users what they need, such as meal ideas and how much to eat, making them less helpful for individual food needs.

Final Idea/Solution

The final idea/solution for the food tracker for people who don’t like technology is to make a user-friendly and easy platform for food tracking.
It makes sure that people who don’t like technology can track their food easily. Key design elements are voice input, picture icons, a ready food database, simple reports, and privacy controls.

The platform also lets users personalize and access it in different ways. This solution wants to make food tracking easy and fun for those who are not good with technology.

Key Features

  1. Minimal Data Entry: Users can enter basic food information, such as meal names, how much they ate, and when they ate, with little typing or digital interaction.
  2. Voice Input: The tracker lets users say their food information, making it more natural and less dependent on typing.
  3. Visual Icons: The interface uses picture icons and easy symbols to show meals and food items, making it less wordy.
  4. Pre-Populated Food Database: Users can pick from a list of common food items and meals, making it easier to track their food.
  5. Minimal Notifications: The system only sends gentle reminders at certain times to log meals, making it less annoying.
  6. Simplified Reporting: Users can see easy reports that tell them about their daily food, making it easy to understand and not too much.
  7. Privacy Controls: Users have the option to control their data, can choose what to do with their data, such as deleting or keeping their food history, making them feel safe.
  8. Personalization: The tracker gives users meal ideas and how much to eat based on what they like and want to achieve with their food.
  9. Accessibility Features: The interface has big buttons, easy navigation, and works with basic mobile devices, making sure that users with different tech skills can use the platform.

Working of the app/ flow

  1. User Onboarding: Users get the food tracking app on their basic mobile devices or use it on a web browser.
  2. Profile Setup: Users make a simple profile with basic details such as age, gender, and food likes to make their experience better.
  3. Voice Input or Visual Icons: Users can enter their meals using voice input, saying the meal names and how much they ate, or pick food items from a picture icon menu.
  4. Database Selection: Users can pick from a list of food that has common food items, making it easier to enter details.
  5. Meal Logging: Users log their meals by picking food items or saying their meal information. The app saves meal names, how much they ate, and when they ate.
  6. Minimal Notifications: Users get few and gentle reminders to log meals at certain times, making sure they don’t forget without too many interruptions.
  7. Data Privacy: Users have control over their data and what to do with their data or if they want to keep or delete their food history, making them feel safe.
  8. Simplified Reporting: Users can see easy reports that tell them about their daily food, such as what they ate and how much they ate.
  9. Personalization: The app gives users meal ideas and how much to eat based on what they like and want to achieve with their food, making sure they get the right help.
  10. Accessibility: The app’s design is easy to use, with big buttons, easy navigation, and working with basic mobile devices, making it comfortable for all users.

The food tracker made for people who don’t like technology is a simple and easy solution for tracking food, helping the people who don’t like technology. This way makes it easy to enter data, not bother users too much, and use design elements that users like to make food tracking easy and fun.


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