Case Study _ A Curated Store for the Artistic Mind: Lessons from ‘Point Of View’

Space Archive no. 5

Shayne Roh
4 min readApr 7, 2023

On the east side of Seoul, there is a rising district for people who love fashion and food, which is called Seongsu-dong. In the middle of this area, there is a curated stationery store called POINT OF VIEW. When you enter, you will be surprised by its exceptional stationery collections and the overall interior mood. Beyond the visual perspective, they are also delivering brand philosophy and messaging throughout the whole space and nicely organized items with their own point of view.

Under their brand message and philosophy called “A curated store for the artistic Mind”, they nicely transform their thoughts into a visual form that clients can sense through their store journey.

And there were great takeaways from how they enhance brand value and customer experience through space branding.

Learning Point ONE

Creative Concept _ A space that makes the heart flutter

Point of view is targeting people who love art and creating something. For capturing those kinds of audiences, they brought an old boutique aesthetic into the space, mixed with modernism. Not like other typical office supply stores that have a supermarket vibe, Point of View evoke nostalgic memory with a calm and cozy mood. Additionally, their product collections are unique and have strong characteristics, therefore it triggers the eagerness to create something with those. and makes their hearts flutter.

Also, they placed some interesting objects in several places throughout the whole building as a point decoration. Various styles of display furniture and the way how they display different types of products also kept people’s eyes. I think these details are also the key elements that make this space more special.

Learning Point TWO

Composition of the Space _ The force of space that has stories.

Strategically, the space is separated by product characteristics. From a cost perspective, we can realize the items are getting expensive when we go up to the higher floor. But, Point Of View fuses stories into their categorization strategically and expresses those by naming each floor especially.

Under naming, they put ordinary products on the first floor, unique products on the second floor, and finally showcase sophisticated products on the top of the building. By having this tactic, they let customers feel that they are getting close to the soul of the brand by stepping deeper into the space. At the same time, they stylized each space with slightly different moods, therefore customers could feel the visual transition once they move.

Learning Point THREE

Details _ that create extraordinariness

Many detailed thoughts are shown throughout the overall space, including furniture, object, product arrangement, etc. But one of the impressive areas was their graphic treatment.

They nicely turned their brand value into a proper visual form. The serif font and illustration style icon designs matched well with the antic and classic feeling of the brand. Even further, their own posters and product description details show that they also care a lot about copywriting as well.

Now a day, even though electronic devices changed our writing and creating habits, there are still a lot of people who love analog aesthetics like me. Point Of View cleverly branded their space to evoke those people’s sensitivity. In my opinion, the true value of this brand is coming from the moment when people get excited and amazed in the store, so it gives them a reason to come back and experience the store again.

Thanks for reading :)

All photos _ by Shayne Roh

