How to do Conversational User Research

Vani J.
3 min readMay 13, 2019

Recently while conducting user research, I realized that we are too much focussed on the interviews while we should focus more on having conversations with the user. Take a step back and understand that the biggest challenge here is to intimidate user to feel free and comfortable while connecting with you. Imagine if a complete stranger starts asking you about your personal and professional details. How would you feel?

When you have to make an honest relationship shortly, It’s basic to make your client agreeable. It’s all about the art of conversation.

How to do you hone this art?

Start with a Small Talk

It’s important to start with a casual chit chat and treat them with a bite and some espresso, ask “how was your day? Was it simple for you to discover our office?” Try to use casual words, make them feel valued and help them enjoy their time with you.

Know The Theme and You’re Ready!

It’s not important to set different rules or explicit inquiries, simply set a topic and you’re prepared. What’s important is to understand the underlying reasons why users interact with a certain product. To do that, begin with open-ended questions with where, what, how, or when. Try not to ask direct/ yes or no questions. For Instance “When was the first time you started studying online?”

Listening is the Key to Research

All you need is to have a smart thought about the theme/topic you are covering and be a listener. Always try to make the conversation smooth by making an ideal amalgamation of questions and topic together making the conversation progressively reasonable. Never try to overdo the questioning, this way you may lose the substance of the conversation.

Never Try to Sell Your Product

Never try to sell your product or influence them with questions specifically about your business. The research is done to gather people’s honest feedback not to convince them that your product is best.

Continue having discussions and locate the best techniques for you. Having conversations with the user is just like other skills which get better with time. You need to keep playing trial and error until you get the confidence to hone this skill. Also, being a good interviewer doesn’t mean you can throw everything you learned so far on users. You still need to ask leading questions as per your topic, given them space, do not make assumptions and use the techniques you already know.

There is always a thin line between rapport and formality. Thoughts?? Comment below!

