Myths Busted: 10 Trading Misconceptions

Louis Javier
9 min readJun 5, 2023


Learning the truth about trading and separating the myths and realities.

Myth Busted: Poster | Layout by Louis Javier

Trading can appear enigmatic and intricate to novices. Misconceptions about trading are widespread, adding to the difficulty of navigating this field for beginners.

Many people believe that successful trading is solely dependent on having a deep understanding of economics and finance. However, while knowledge in these areas can be helpful, it is not the only factor that determines success in trading. Traders must also be adept at managing their emotions, particularly during periods of market volatility.

In reality, trading is a complex and demanding field that requires a considerable amount of time, effort, and discipline to master. Successful traders often spend years learning about the markets, developing their trading strategies, and honing their skills. Trading involves risk, and there is always the possibility of losing. Thus, trading should not be viewed as a shortcut to financial success, but rather as a long-term investment in building expertise and knowledge in a challenging field.

In this article, we will investigate some of the most common trading misconceptions and clarify why they are not necessarily accurate.

1. Trading is a get-rich-quick scheme.

— No, it's not!

Trading is often mistakenly perceived as a get-rich-quick scheme.
“Trading is a profession that requires a lifetime of learning. It’s like playing a musical instrument; you never stop learning” — Ed Seykota.

The reality is that successful trading is a result of hard work, discipline, and a consistent approach. While the potential for profits exists in trading, there are no guarantees, and losses can occur just as easily as gains. Traders must maintain discipline in their approach and stick to a plan rather than making impulsive decisions based on emotions or market noise.

To become a successful trader, invest in your own education and continuously work to improve your skills and strategies.

2. Trading is just like gambling.

—Unless you know what you're doing.

Trading and gambling are two activities that often get compared to each other, leading to the common misconception that trading is just like gambling.

Warren Buffett once said, “Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing.”

Trading involves a structured process of analyzing market data, identifying trends, and making informed decisions based on that data. Gambling is a game of chance where the outcome is entirely dependent on luck.

Successful traders rely on a variety of tools and techniques to analyze market data, including technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and quantitative analysis. Traders use information to identify trends and patterns in the market and make informed decisions based on that analysis. They also use risk management strategies to minimize their exposure to risk.

FYI, gamblers rely on chance and have no control over the outcome.

3. Trading is only for professionals.

— Once you’ve learned it, you become one.

Another common misconception is that trading is only for professionals, which discourages beginners from entering the field. However, with dedication and hard work, anyone can learn to trade and become successful. The key is to start with a solid foundation and to continuously learn and adapt to the market.

It’s important to note that trading requires discipline and patience. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, and success won’t come overnight. Instead, it’s a long-term commitment that requires constant learning and refinement of skills. With a focus on developing strategies and risk management techniques, traders can increase their chances of success.

“Don’t be intimidated by what you don’t know. That can be your greatest strength and ensure that you do things differently from everyone else.” — Sara Blakely

While it may seem daunting for beginners to enter the world of trading, it’s not exclusive to professionals. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can learn to trade and be successful. The key is to focus on continuous learning, discipline, and patience.

4. You need a lot of money to start trading.

—If you know what you're doing, no don't need a lot.

One common misconception about trading is that you need a significant amount of capital to start. This is not entirely true.

As the saying goes, “You have to learn to walk before you can run.” Starting small in trading is like learning to walk.

Many brokers offer trading accounts that allow traders to start with as little as $100. While having more capital can provide more opportunities, it is not necessary to have a lot of money to begin trading.

Starting small is essential in trading. It allows you to focus on learning and developing your skills without risking a significant amount of money. With practice and experience, you can gradually increase your capital and take advantage of more opportunities.

Success in trading is not solely dependent on the amount of capital invested but also on a trader’s knowledge, skills, and experience.

5. Trading is easy.

— Maybe, It's simple but never easy.

Novice traders often make the mistake of believing that trading is easy, but this is a misconception.

Trading is a complex and challenging activity that requires a great deal of skill and knowledge. Trading requires a significant amount of time and effort to learn and develop the skills necessary to be successful.

“Trading is simple, but it’s not easy.” — Yvan Byeajee

In reality, successful traders spend years developing their skills and strategies through education, practice, and experience. They understand the intricacies of the market, are constantly learning and adapting to new market conditions, and have the emotional control required to make rational decisions under pressure.

While it is possible to make money through trading, it is never easy, and it requires significant effort and dedication to become consistently profitable. You need to be disciplined, patient, and able to manage risk effectively.

6. You can predict the market.

— Unless you are a psychic, a seer or a fortune teller.

As Dr. Brett Steenbarger often notes, “The market is always right, even when we disagree with it.” Many traders make the mistake of believing that they can predict the market’s movements with complete accuracy.

The reality is that the market is highly complex and influenced by a variety of factors that are often impossible to predict. While it is possible to use market analysis and technical indicators to make informed trading decisions, it is important to understand that no trading strategy can provide 100% accuracy.

Even the most successful traders experience losses and setbacks, which is why risk management is such a crucial aspect of trading. Rather than trying to predict the market’s movements, successful traders focus on managing risk and adapting to changing market conditions.

7. More trades don’t always equal more profits.

— More trades, more risk for your account.

It’s common for new traders to believe that trading more frequently would result in more profit. A study by Brad M. Barber and Terrance Odean found that active traders underperformed the market by 6.5% annually, likely due to the costs of frequent trading and behavioral biases.

Successful traders prioritize quality over quantity. They wait for high-probability trading opportunities and execute their trades with discipline and patience. They also employ risk management techniques to minimize potential losses.

As Jesse Livermore, once said, “The big money is made in the waiting.” This quote emphasizes the importance of patience and waiting for the right opportunities to maximize profits.

More trades don’t always equal more profits in trading. New traders should focus on quality over quantity and be patient while waiting for high-probability opportunities.

By adopting a disciplined approach and employing risk management techniques, you can increase your chances of success and achieve your financial goals.

8. Emotions can cloud your judgment.

— Indeed, I‘ve had my fair share of roller coaster rides.

Emotions can be a significant challenge for traders, particularly when the market is volatile or unpredictable. Fear can cause traders to panic and make hasty decisions, while greed can lead them to take unnecessary risks. These emotional reactions can result in significant losses and affect traders’ confidence.

Successful traders understand the importance of emotional control and discipline in trading. They develop strategies to manage their emotions, such as setting stop-loss orders to limit potential losses and taking breaks to avoid burnout. They also focus on developing a calm and rational mindset, making decisions based on analysis and logic rather than emotions.

As legendary trader Paul Tudor Jones once said, “The most important rule of trading is to play great defense, not great offense.” This quote emphasizes the importance of risk management and emotional control for successful trading.

By developing a disciplined approach and strategies to manage your emotions, you can make rational and well-informed trading decisions.

9. Technical analysis is not foolproof.

— More data please.

While technical analysis can be a useful tool for traders, it’s not a guarantee of success. One limitation of technical analysis is that it’s based on historical price movements, which may not always be indicative of future price movements. Technical indicators can give false signals, leading traders to make incorrect trading decisions. Traders should also consider the broader market context and economic trends when making trading decisions.

Fundamental analysis is another tool that traders can use to evaluate market trends. This method involves analyzing economic and financial factors, such as GDP, interest rates, and company earnings, to determine the underlying value of a security. By using both technical and fundamental analysis, traders can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the market and make better-informed trading decisions.

Warren Buffett once said, “In the short term, the market is a popularity contest. In the long term, the market is a weighing machine.” This quote highlights the importance of both technical and fundamental analysis in making successful trades.

10. Copying others’ trades does not guarantee success.

— At least not for the long term.

While copying other traders’ trades can be a useful learning tool, it’s important to approach it with caution. Traders should not rely solely on others’ strategies and should take the time to develop their own. It’s important to consider personal goals, risk tolerance, and trading style when developing a strategy. Successful traders often modify their strategies based on market conditions and new information.

“There is nothing new on Wall Street or in stock speculation. What has happened in the past will happen again, and again, and again. This is because human nature does not change, and it is human emotion, solidly built into human nature, that always gets in the way of human intelligence.” — Jesse Livermore This quote highlights the importance of developing a personalized approach to trading and the role of emotions in trading decisions.

Copying other traders’ trades is not a guaranteed path to success, at least not in the long term. You should take the time to develop your own strategies and approaches, considering your unique goals, risk tolerance, and trading style. Developing a personalized approach to your trading and managing your emotions, you can increase your chances of success.


Trading can be intimidating for beginners due to the complexity of the market and the perceived high stakes involved. Remember that many of the common misconceptions about trading are not entirely true. These beliefs can be misleading, especially for beginner traders.

Invest some time and effort to learn, develop your strategy, and manage emotions. With the right mindset and approach, anyone can achieve success.

Warren Buffett, once said, “The stock market is a device for transferring money from the impatient to the patient.” This highlights the importance of a long-term perspective. Rather than focusing on short-term gains, successful traders take a patient and disciplined approach, allowing their investments to grow over time.

Ask yourself: what steps can you take today to start developing your trading skills and achieving your long-term financial goals?

Leave a comment below.



Louis Javier

UX Designer & Brand Builder. Learning every day & sharing insight. Join me for valuable content to inspire you. #myjourney #valuetoyou