Trading with Intuition: Harnessing the Power of Gut Feeling

How to strike a balance between data-driven decisions and intuitive trading.

Louis Javier
4 min readMay 8, 2023
Gut Feeling: A collage poster featuring a black silhouette of a man with a thought bubble above his head. The thoughts represent a spiral helix and the words “sixth sense, instinct and intuition” are visible. In the background, a collage of trading-related images creates a noisy effect. | Layout by Louis Javier

The debate over the role of intuition in trading has been ongoing for years, with some arguing that it’s a valuable tool for making profitable decisions, while others believe it’s unreliable and even dangerous.

Trading, regardless of which market you consider, can be a daunting task, and one of the biggest challenges faced by traders is making profitable decisions. While some rely solely on analytics and data, others believe in the power of intuition or gut feeling.

In this essay, we will explore the role of gut feeling in trading, its advantages and disadvantages, and how we can use it effectively.

“Risk comes from not knowing what you’re doing. — Warren Buffett

Advantages of Gut Feeling

Gut feeling refers to an intuitive feeling or hunch that is often difficult to explain but is believed to be rooted in past experiences and knowledge.

Many traders who trust their gut instinct believe that it helps them make quick and effective decisions. Gut feeling allow traders to make quick decisions without the need to analyze large amounts of data, which can be time-consuming. This can be particularly useful in fast-moving markets where speed is essential.

Gut feeling takes into account a larger picture. It is often based on past experiences and knowledge, which can be beneficial for traders. #experienced traders

Potential Pitfalls of Emotions

While gut feeling has its advantages, it is important to note that it can also be a double-edged sword.

One major disadvantage of gut feelings is that it is massively influenced by emotions. Fear, greed, and overconfidence can all distort a trader’s intuition and lead to poor decision-making, which is risky and leads to significant losses. Relying solely on gut feelings can lead to impulsive-based decisions that are not well thought out or grounded in sound analysis.

It is important to use gut feelings to complement your analytics and data rather than relying on it alone.

Your Gut Effective

“Gut feeling” may not be a foolproof strategy for trading; it has its benefits and drawbacks. But traders who can balance their intuition with analyzing data have the potential to make more informed and effective trading decisions.

Your goal is to religiously follow your decision-making process, while also considering your own intuition based on your knowledge and past experiences. That is why we are more likely to recognize patterns in the chart because of our past experiences and trading knowledge.

Another way is by practicing mindfulness. Mindfulness involves being aware of one’s thoughts and emotions and how they may affect decision-making. A mindful trader can recognize when their gut feeling is being influenced by emotions and take steps to regulate them before making any decisions.

If you fall in the spectrum of ‘beginner trader’, it may not be wise to consider your gut feeling yet. It takes time, experience, and deeper knowledge to develop a strong gut feeling, let alone consider it.

Instead, track your trades accordingly, specifically your decision-making process, how you arrived at such a decision, and your emotions behind those decisions. This will help them identify when your gut feeling led to successful trades and when it did not. Over time, you can use this data to refine your thinking and make better decisions.

Complementary Tool

Gut feeling can be a powerful tool in trading when used effectively. It allows traders to take the larger picture into account and make quick decisions.

However, it is important to use gut feeling as a complementary tool after considering analytics and data rather than relying on them alone. You should learn to strike a balance between the two and practice mindfulness to regulate your emotions. This can greatly improve your decision-making and make you more profitable in the market.

As Paul Tudor Jones would say,

“The secret to being successful from a trading perspective is to have an indefatigable and an undying and unquenchable thirst for information and knowledge.”

Start recording your experiences and continue expanding your trading knowledge. My best teacher so far.

Poster: Gut Feeling, more posters here.


  1. Trading from Your Gut by Curtis Faith, 2010
  2. Master Your Emotions by Jason Barnes, 2020

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Louis Javier

UX Designer & Brand Builder. Learning every day & sharing insight. Join me for valuable content to inspire you. #myjourney #valuetoyou