Is Your Phone Slowly Turning You Into a Lousy UX Designer?

Train Your Eye for Good Design

5 min readJun 4, 2024
Photo by Daniel Korpai on Unsplash

You’re scrolling through social media, mindlessly tapping through repetitive stories, when a notification pops up interrupting your flow.

You sigh, muttering about the confusing layout or the hidden settings you just spent five minutes hunting for.

This constant barrage of subpar design might be subtly eroding your design sense.

You’re bombarded with apps that bury essential functions under layers of menus, bombard you with notifications more annoying than a smoke detector gone rogue, and rely on confusing iconography that resembles ancient hieroglyphics.

Over time, your brain starts to accept this as the norm. It becomes your design baseline.

The scary part? That baseline can seep into your creative endeavors. Suddenly, you find yourself designing a business presentation with a navigation flow as convoluted as a haunted house, or a website where the “Add to Cart” button blends into the background like a chameleon on a plaid shirt.

We can break free from the tyranny of bad UX and reclaim our inner design genius. Here’s your five-step plan for UX domination:

Step 1: Become a UX Ninja — Train Your Eye




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