Our Design Process and Timeline in a nut shell… In a Perfect World

Jennifer Kerr-Marsch
5 min readNov 23, 2021


One of our most asked questions is “How long will this take?”. Based on the title of this post, this is the best we can do. There are many moving parts to the design and build process. What we can say is what our process will take and do our best to help others along in their process. If you are a new client or considering working with us, this will be a post we will continually refer you to so we are all on the same page.

Phase 1 — Residential Building Design and Construction Documents.

  • Clients reach out via social media, google, email, phone call, etc
  • 1st Contact within 2 hours ( this is our goal, but sometimes its the end of the day)
  • Email Introduction (within 24 hours) Clients to provide back to us at their leisure:
  • Design Questionnaire- filled out as much as possible
  • Construction Guide — read through this — you may have more questions, every project is different, but this is a good jumping off point.
  • Design Process- giving you more insight in to how we work
  • Wish List — please create a bulleted list of what you are hoping to achieve with your project. We will continually refer back to this list during the design phase.
  • Inspiration Pictures: These can be on Houzz Ideabooks, on Pinterest Boards, or you can email these. We will collect them in a file for you and us to refer back to
  • Survey — anytime you are changing the footprint of your home you will need an updated site plan. We recommend getting this ASAP. We will require it before we start any designing. Also please call the city, or email them and get your setbacks and constraints, please email this to us. If we have to do this research, we will be charging for it
  • Schedule 1st Meeting within 1–2 weeks. When we meet we will go over all of the above information. We like to meet onsite with all stakeholders/ decision makers. We are visual people and it helps us mentally get engaged with your space.
  • Create Scope of Work: Proposal within 24 hours and email
  • Acceptance of Proposal — review site analysis (site visit and survey) Timing is up to the client
  • Renovation- Measure house (1–2 weeks)
  • 2 weeks get first concept out — This is our goal! We generally make it, other times the production schedule and holidays may back this up a bit.
  • we will send out weekly notifications as to where we are in the process to keep you informed and open an opportunity for you to ask questions. We may ask that you get us feedback in a timely manner as well to keep the project moving at a steady pace.
  • New Construction — 1st concept within 2 weeks (Schematic Design Concept) (Site Specifics)
  • Schematic design & collaboration : 1–3 months typically
  • This phase takes the longest generally. We ask that our clients do as much research to come as close to what they like and want out of their space as they can. This shortens the time in this initial design phase. We also put constraints on how many iterations we come up with because this could last forever if we let it and we work on a flat fee basis so some level of control is necessary.
  • We go back and forth on a weekly basis to get new designs to our client, faster if possible. The clients timely feedback is imperative for us to keep up the pace. We will go back and forth via email or zoom meetings or in person meetings until we have a final floor plan. We allow up to 5 iterations before charging hourly for changes.
  • Floor Plan Approval — Client has signed off on floor plans and elevations via email or text.
  • Design Development: Mechanical/Electrical design plans — 2 weeks
  • Construction Documents- 2 weeks (working with engineer)
  • Engineering: Stamp (review with client, review with engineer and stamp) — 2 weeks
  • Vet several contractors to see who is available and willing to talk to clients 2 weeks
  • possibly meet with GC’s to go over plans, etc
  • We email the plans as an introduction between the GC and Clients.
  • Once plans leave us- GC will quote the project at hand. They will pull the permit for the project. Clients municipality may have comments, we will address and make any changes to value engineer the plans for client and GC. If client requests changes to the design itself, we will charge hourly to make the changes. (Sorry, we really try to minimize the amount of changes because we work on a flat fee basis) We will give a basic estimate of time and cost before we start the process of changes.

Phase 2 Material and Finish Selection and Documentation

  • Based on conversations and inspiration info we have, we schedule time at showrooms, 2–4 weeks (many of these tasks over lap in timing, we do our best to multi task)
  • Once we have several images for each space from the client we are able to discern a sense of style they want to achieve. Based on this we head to the showrooms to create vignettes ahead of the clients arrival. We lay out as much as possible and make changes once the client is present. We walk through the design and explain why all choices are made. This process may take several visits but we start locally and work our way out.
  • Once choices are made we enter all into Studio Designer and give the client a link to the web based Client Portal. 1–2 weeks
  • Pricing and square footages also entered. We acquire from all vendors 1–2 weeks
  • The client portal link is emailed to client and any gc that needs access to materials and finishes.
  • We continue to fill in any gaps in selections and fixtures.
  • Interior elevations blocked from Chief architect to auto CAD. 1–2 weeks
  • All material finish designs and callouts are to be placed on elevations
  • All dimensions are placed on dimensions
  • Material renderings in to Chief Architect for conceptual presentation 1–2 weeks
  • Create Virtual room boards using material images and renderings for each space same time frame as client portal we do these in conjunction
  • Client receives access online to all material and finish selection materials, Renderings and Virtual boards all on our web based platform Quip

Phase 3: Project Management

  • This stage starts at the time of commencement. We will meet onsite with all trades and GC’s, owners when requested. We will do our best to keep this use of time as efficient as possible.
  • We will deal with problems and create solutions the best we can continuing to work with all parties
  • We make changes to plans, materials finishes, work with trade and engineer to keep all going as smoothly as possible

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Jennifer Kerr-Marsch

Consummate Creative as an artist, designer, writer, blogger, mom and wife. I love being outside, the warm air and sand between my toes.