Why I chose my Laser Engraver (Aeon Mira 9)

Rachel Ann
6 min readDec 28, 2022


As a lot of you all know, I had a Glowforge first. In January of 2020, I ordered a Glowforge Basic (which was terrifying because it was $2,500 and I had no intention of using it as a business). I received it in 2020 and I was immediately memorized by what a laser could do. I made a few things for my job as a teacher, a few small gifts. But then the world shut down and I started my business to allow myself to have something I could control.

Very quickly (it was actually August of 2020) I realized I couldn’t keep up. I was starting to stay up late every night to keep up with orders because in order to engrave something like a cutting board, it was taking about 45–90 minutes to do. I started talking with Emily Caroline and decided after a few weeks of debating to put in my order. I ordered in September and received it in February (this is when the company was really just starting to take off and they didn’t have the compacity yet).

I was terrified when I was going into buying my new laser. It was $10K. $10K!!!! I couldn’t believe what I was doing. I asked my husband so many times if I made a mistake. What if I never paid it off. What if I never ever had the courage to work it? What if it broke right away? Did I really NEED this? What was I doing?

But I paid it off in 7 months. Would have been quicker if the holiday season was closer to when I bought it.

And I just had my first month of $12K in sales. $12K!!!!!

I definitely will talk more about how I created my business and did so much in sales, but before I get to that I just want to discuss a little about why I chose the Aeon Mira in the first place.

  1. Increase my offerings, variety, and quantity.

This was a more powerful laser. While the power of the Glowforge was limited, now I could do things like tumblers, thicker wood, and so much more! The included rotary in the preorder special was all I have ever needed to engrave on Champagne classes, Glass mugs, Metal tumblers, and more!

2. The community and the support

One of the things that originally sold me on Glowforge was the community. There were forum, a ton of groups, and businesses set up around it. I was scared to transition away from that.

But I saw the growing group of people that were in the group, Emily Caroline and the support she was giving, as well as many others encouraged me to join. Just like with Glowforge, if I got stuck, someone with experience can help me.

It has BLOWN UP since then!

What used to be a group of about 1 thousand people, now has about 6 thousand. And in Emily’s group, what used to be 5K (I remember the 5K giveaway) is now over 30K. The growing number of supportive individuals is crazy!

Additionally, I heard from every person that the customer service with Aeon was incredible. To be honest, at first I thought, sure, that’s what everyone is supposed to say. But I underestimated them.

The customer service of this brand goes above and beyond! Their service team helped me to replace parts, their sales team was always there when I had questions, and the company has shown me again and again that they earn that best customer service badge. From day one when my stand was missing and they overnighted two stands on their own dollar to make sure I had one by my training, to the talking me through a chiller repair that was completely my fault in the first place, Aeon is amazing.

3. Make large items

I chose the Mira 9 so I could make big items. The laser bed is 36x24 which is actually very convenient for cutting down wood into.

When I had my Glowforge, I constantly had people ask “Can you make it bigger” and uncomfortably I always had to say “No…. sorry”. That conversation rarely happens with my Mira. I think I have only had to say no to size once or twice in the 2 years I have owned the laser. The larger items has helped my customer base grow with me. Customers keep returning, and many of my original customers that bought from me with the glowforge came back for new items when I had the Mira.

4. To not stay up all night making orders and items for craft shows

In October, November, and December of 2020, I was exhausted. All. the. time.

I was staying up until 3am with my glowforge and sleeping in the room while it lasered (do not recommend!) just to keep up with the demand. And even then, I was working myself to death.

To this day, this is my side business. I have a full time job as a teacher. And as a teacher during covid, and staying up til 3am, I was miserable.

I have had some long days and evening with my Mira, but usually I am the one holding up the laser because I can’t design faster enough, not the other way around. Now I just need to be able to keep up with the Mira!

5. To figure out my next steps…..

Like I said previously, I am a full time teacher. But I want to be a mom soon. And with that I wanted options. I want to be able to stay home with my child if I decide that is best. I want to be able to create my own hours. I want to keep my own working conditions. I don’t want to be micromanaged.

I don’t know what my next steps are in my career or my business. But the fact that I have endless possibilities, that I can change directions and confidently go full time in my business at any moment has given me more comfort than I could ever communicate. And I wouldn’t be able to have these options if it wasn’t for my Aeon Laser.

If you are interested in buying an Aeon laser for yourself, please consider using my partner link!

Until December 31st they have a great deal that you can also get a free fiber laser to engrave metal if you buy a Mira 9 (what I have) a Nova, or a Super Nova. Please feel free to email me at designsbythor@gmail.com with any questions about anything too!

