Image by Yan Krukau from Pexels

Small Steps at a Time

Taking small steps at a time to learn, instead of hustling through all at once



Have you noticed how much you remembered of a topic when needing to rush through an article?

I certainly don’t, did I learn anything from it? Nope.

Most likely, you probably don’t either… unless you have photographic memory (anyone?).

In fact, we remember better by seeing it more than once in a period of time. Otherwise called repetition.

Same as learning, over time we think and ponder over a topic which helps us to reason over it better.

Some strategies you may recognize that help recall memory & long-term learning:

  • Writing
  • Taking notes
  • Having patience

According to the book Slow Productivity by Cal Newport, patience is a big key to thinking deeper, memorizing, and in turn, learning better.

Authors note: I’ve had this short story in the drafts for a while and took a few minutes to put it together. Sorry if it isn’t thought out all the way! I might make this into a longer article, would love to see any comments on what y’all think 😁




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