Navigating the Write Way Through Your Memoir

Considerations to keep in mind

Desiree Haros
3 min readOct 15, 2023


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Writing a memoir is a deeply personal and often cathartic process.

Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when embarking on the journey of writing your memoir:

1.Purpose and Audience: Clarify why you’re writing your memoir and who your target audience is. Are you telling your story primarily for yourself, for family and friends, or for a wider readership? Understanding your purpose will help shape the content and tone of your memoir.

2. Honesty: Memoirs are expected to be truthful and authentic. Be prepared to delve into both the positive and negative aspects of your life experiences. Readers connect with vulnerability and honesty.

3. Theme and Focus: Determine the central theme or message of your memoir. What overarching story or life lesson do you want to convey? A clear theme can provide structure and coherence to your narrative.

4. Memory and Accuracy: While memory is subjective and can change over time, strive for accuracy. Cross-reference your recollections with any available documents, journals, or interviews with others who may remember the events differently.

5. Privacy and Consent: Be mindful of the privacy and feelings of others who may be…



Desiree Haros

Author| Life Coach| Ultra Runner| Vegan| Personal Trainer| Podcaster| WIP| Contact me @