Thoughts From a 40-Something

Desiree Haros
4 min readJul 17, 2022

Living My Best Life

When I was 15 years old, I thought 30-year-olds were old AF. This is when summers lasted forever and an hour felt like 10. And the age when I thought what I wore would make or break my day with the in-crowd. Those days are long gone. I’m well past 30, but I feel like I’m in my 20’s trying to figure life out with the rest of you. Did I know what I wanted to be when I was younger? Yeah. Did it turn out that way? Heck no.

But when I look in the mirror I have to come to terms with my reality. I’m no longer a youthful age. I have to work harder to keep the weight off, my vision is going, my boobs are saggy, I’m getting a varicose vein in my left calf (yuk) and I’m getting those annoying skin tags. To top it off, there are white strands of hair popping out all over my head. I mean what in the freaking heck.

If anyone told me this is how I would be experiencing life in my 40’s I would have refused to believe it. “That’s not going to be me,” I would yell and run in the opposite direction.

What I’ve Learned

The older I get the less I know. I’m not afraid to tell my children that I don’t know the answer. I am a store of knowledge on a plethora of topics, but seriously, I’m not going to let my children down later when they find out, “Mom didn’t know what the…



Desiree Haros

Author| Life Coach| Ultra Runner| Vegan| Personal Trainer| Podcaster| WIP| Contact me @