How Far Apart Do Office Desks Need to Be?

Rick The Wood Guy
8 min readFeb 7, 2024


When designing an office space, one important factor to consider is the distance between office desks. Proper office desk spacing is crucial for creating a productive and comfortable workspace for employees. In this article, I will explore office desk spacing guidelines, recommend ideal distances between office desks, and provide office desk layout recommendations to help you optimize your workspace.

Creating enough clearance space between office desks is essential to provide personal space for employees and minimize the risk of accidents. According to experts, control room console furniture should be designed with sufficient clearance space between each console and chair. This ensures that operators have enough room to move comfortably and work efficiently.

how far apart do office desks need to be

Additionally, it is recommended to have at least 1 meter of free space behind each office desk. This allows employees to roll back their chairs and stand up comfortably without any obstructions. By providing this space, you not only promote ergonomic comfort but also facilitate easy movement within the office.

Optimizing your office desk spacing can have a significant impact on productivity and employee well-being. By following recommended office desk spacing guidelines and implementing thoughtful office desk layouts, you can create a workspace that promotes efficiency, collaboration, and a positive work environment.

Clearance Requirements in a Command Center

When setting up a command center, it is essential to consider the clearance requirements to ensure the safety and efficiency of the workspace. To determine these requirements, a thorough investigation, audit, and analysis of the control room are necessary. This can be achieved by visiting existing control rooms, reviewing procedures, and consulting with key stakeholders such as operators, supervisors, and consultants.

how far apart do office desks need to be

One crucial aspect of clearance requirements is the design and arrangement of control room console furniture. The layout should allow for adequate personal space for operators to perform their duties comfortably. Each console should have enough clearance space to prevent collisions or accidents during operation. Additionally, sufficient space should be allocated behind the chairs to ensure operators can roll back their chairs and stand up without any hindrance.

Furthermore, considering future expansion is vital in command center design. Allocating additional space beyond the immediate requirements of the console furniture can prevent issues when scaling up operations or introducing new equipment in the future. This foresight will save time and resources when modifications or additions are needed.

In terms of spatial arrangement, various geometric configurations can be adopted for functional groups within a command center. Square, circular, and hexagonal arrangements are recommended to promote communication and collaboration among operators.

By adhering to clearance requirements in a command center and designing control room console furniture that prioritizes personal space for operators, organizations can effectively mitigate the risk of accidents and enhance the overall safety and productivity of their command center operations.

Traffic Guidelines for Detailed Ergonomic Clearances

In a command center, the allocation of passageway space is crucial for ensuring smooth traffic flow and ergonomic clearances. The amount of space dedicated to passageways should be based on the traffic frequency within the command center. To assist in configuring the layout for office desks and workstations, there are four traffic guidelines that can be followed: zero traffic, low traffic, moderate traffic, and high traffic.

how far apart do office desks need to be

The specific clearances required behind workstations may vary based on different conditions and traffic requirements. For instance, in areas with low traffic, a minimum clearance of 42 inches may be sufficient, while in high-traffic zones, a clearance of up to 77 inches might be necessary to allow for easy passage behind workstations. These guidelines ensure that employees can navigate the command center comfortably and efficiently without any obstructions.

Desk and Furniture Spacing in Office Layouts

When designing an office layout, it is crucial to pay attention to the spacing requirements for different furniture items. Proper desk and furniture spacing not only enhances the aesthetics of the workspace but also contributes to the overall functionality and comfort of the office. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind:

Standard Measurements

According to industry standards, a standard desk chair typically requires an area footprint of about 42 inches square. This measurement ensures sufficient space for comfortable movement and positioning around the desk. When it comes to guest seating, it is recommended to allocate an area of 48 to 60 inches in length to accommodate the space between the desk and the chairs. This allows for ease of movement and prevents any furniture congestion.

Circulation Considerations

Creating an efficient and functional office layout involves considering circulation pathways and the frequency of item usage. Proper circulation ensures smooth movement within the workspace and prevents any obstructions. When placing workstations, it is important to keep in mind the flow of traffic and designate clear pathways. Additionally, considering the proximity of entrance paths and the accessibility of storage areas, such as file cabinets and bookshelves, plays a significant role in optimizing the office layout.

The image above illustrates a well-designed office layout that takes into account desk and furniture spacing, allowing for efficient movement and a visually appealing environment.

By considering standard measurements and circulation considerations, you can create an office layout that promotes productivity, comfort, and a harmonious workspace. Remember, the key is to provide sufficient space for employees to perform their tasks comfortably while ensuring easy access to necessary resources and storage.

Golden Rules for Office Fitouts

When it comes to office fitouts, there are a few golden rules that can help create a functional and comfortable workspace. These guidelines, sourced from industry experts, offer valuable insights into spatial requirements, workspace design, and ergonomic guidelines. By following these rules, you can optimize your office layout and enhance productivity while prioritizing the well-being of your employees.

1. Leave at least 1 meter of free space behind each desk: Providing adequate clearance space behind desks not only allows employees to move freely but also reduces the risk of accidents. This ensures a comfortable and safe working environment.

2. Maintain a minimum distance of 2 meters between workstations: It is important to allocate enough space between workstations to ensure privacy and minimize distractions. This promotes focused work and enhances productivity.

3. Position boardroom tables at least 1.5 meters from the door and 1 meter from the back wall: Placing boardroom tables at appropriate distances from the entrance and walls creates a spacious and inviting meeting area. It also allows for easy access and maximizes the usability of the space.

4. Ensure corridors are at least 1 meter wide: Wide corridors facilitate smooth movement throughout the office. They provide easy access to different areas and prevent congestion, improving overall workflow.

5. Allow at least 1200mm of space for corridors with chairs: Corridors that accommodate chairs require additional space for comfortable passage. Providing sufficient width ensures easy movement and avoids potential discomfort or inconvenience.

By adhering to these golden rules for office fitouts, you can create a workspace that not only meets spatial requirements but also fosters productivity and prioritizes the well-being of your employees. Remember, a well-designed office layout can have a significant impact on both the physical and mental comfort of your team, ultimately contributing to the success of your business.


In conclusion, creating an optimal office workspace requires careful consideration of office desk spacing guidelines. It is essential to provide employees with adequate personal space to promote productivity and comfort. By following the recommended clearance requirements in a command center, traffic guidelines for ergonomic clearances, and desk and furniture spacing in office layouts, you can design a workspace that meets the needs of your employees.

Remember the golden rules for office fitouts, which emphasize leaving sufficient space behind each desk, maintaining distance between workstations, positioning boardroom tables strategically, and ensuring wide enough corridors. These guidelines will help you achieve an office environment that fosters productivity and employee wellbeing.

By taking into account the specific requirements of your workplace and implementing these spacing guidelines, you can create an optimal office workspace that promotes both productivity and comfort. Providing employees with a spacious and well-designed environment will contribute to their overall satisfaction and contribute to the success of your organization.


How far apart do office desks need to be?

The recommended distance between office desks may vary depending on factors such as the type of workspace, traffic flow, and furniture requirements. However, it is generally suggested to provide at least 1 meter of clearance space between desks to ensure personal space for employees and promote productivity.

What are the clearance requirements in a command center?

In a command center or control room, it is crucial to design console furniture with enough clearance space between each console and chair. This clearance space allows operators to have personal space and reduces the risk of accidents. Additionally, there should be at least 1 meter of free space behind each desk to allow workers to roll back their chairs and stand up comfortably.

What are the traffic guidelines for ergonomic clearances in the command center?

The traffic guidelines in a command center depend on the frequency of traffic. There are typically four traffic levels: zero traffic, low traffic, moderate traffic, and high traffic. Each level has specific requirements for clearances behind workstations, ranging from 42 inches to 77 inches, to ensure safe and efficient passage.

How should desks and furniture be spaced in office layouts?

When planning an office layout, it is important to consider the spacing requirements for desks and various furniture items. A standard desk chair usually requires an area footprint of about 42 inches square, while guest seating should have an allowance of 48 to 60 inches to account for the space between the desk and chairs. Other furniture items such as file cabinets and bookshelves also require specific space allocations. Additionally, circulation considerations, workstation placement, and the frequency of item usage should be taken into account.

What are the golden rules for office fitouts?

The golden rules for office fitouts include leaving at least 1 meter of free space behind each desk, maintaining a minimum distance of 2 meters between workstations, positioning boardroom tables at least 1.5 meters from the door and 1 meter from the back wall, ensuring corridors are at least 1 meter wide, and allowing at least 1200mm of space for corridors with chairs. These rules aim to create a spacious and comfortable office environment while promoting efficient workflow and preventing potential issues.

Note: The conclusion has been omitted as per your instruction.



Rick The Wood Guy

I have a fascination with building furniture.